Conversation Between Insufficient Mage and GypsyElder

185 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh God, that means you either are at the place where the Regenerators/Iron Maidens are, or you're about to be... Those are easily the creepiest monsters, I practically cried.

    Playing games for Nostalgia's sake is the best feeling. I just recently bought Paper Mario for the N64, which I used to play so often back when I lived with my friend when I was nine, and its awesome~. Nothing beats that familiarity!

    Yeah, XIII isn't terribly high on my priority list either, but I would like to get it at some point. Though I don't know if I'm willing to wait for a price drop... I guess it will depend on what I hear about it. Heart Gold/Soul Silver is the remake of the old Pokemon Gold/Silver games that's coming out next week! I've been waiting for this remake for years.

    Well I guess its nice to have a whole day to play games, do homework and whatever else you have to do in between, but yeah, that kind of thing will seriously screw up your sleep pattern if you're not careful...
  2. I'm at the island place and it's scaring the shiz out of me lol.
    I loved Klonoa when I was little, me and my brother first played Door To Phantomile when we rented it from this old video store back in the day when we used to also get Sonic 2 and 3 also for Sega XD

    I'm not excited enough to get XIII so I'm not going to get it until later too, or until I hear that it's super awesome, but I will play it eventually. I've never heard of Heart Gold O.o

    yeah and since I have class every other day it's really stupid haha.
  3. Oooh, RE4 is one of the ones I actually managed to finish! How far are you now?
    And yay for Klonoa, haven't played that in a while! Jeez, you got a lot on your plate. xD I've done the opposite; my work hours have been cut down so I have been in turn cutting down on my game purchased. I didn't even get FFXIII, though I'll probably buy it sometime in the future. The only game I've been seriously anticipating is Heart Gold. <3

    OMG I hate that, I used to have the same problem with work being every other day and messing up my pattern. xD
  4. Nothing really besides getting way to may games I have too many I need to finnish now, I bought RE4 for PS2 since the GC version I had I borrowed and didn't get to finnish, Then I bought Grandia II because I haven't played it in forever and I don't have my Dreamcast anymore. Then I added a PSX emu so on there the games I have to finnish are Chrono Cross ( that I was dying to play again) Klonoa another I missed, Jade Cocooon that Alpha recommended I play and FF Tactics. I also have GBA and a DS emu so I have Harvest Moon More friends of Mineral town since I can't find it it in stores anymore, FFI and II, then on the DS I have FFIV and III. *gasp*

    I need to get some serious gamin done but stupid school every other day is messing up my sleeping pattern lol!
  5. I like this place way too much to flake. =) Thanks!

    Well its more like I hardly knew anybody in the first place. xD But either way I was pleasantly surprised. So have you been up to anything interesting in the past few months?
  6. Yaay! I'm just glad you didn't flake wb!

    and people like you more here than you think

  7. I missed you too man! *Bro hug lolz* I'm back for now, though I won't be on as much as I used to be for a while because I don't have my own computer anymore. Still, at least I'll be able to check in, and its nice to know I wasn't forgotten. I didn't know many people around here so there weren't many people to miss me in the first place, ya' know? =P So the VM/PMs that I did get were really nice to come back to. <3
  8. Same as fate
  9. Merry Christmas!!!
  10. I don't even remember who my favorite was, haha I haven't seen it in such a long time, I'm looking for it online
  11. Lampy was always my favorite.

    Also, that movie has one of the best soundtracks of any Disney movie. Its so 80s. <3
  12. Of course, because I'm you and You're me, I love that movie <3
  13. No way. You have one of my absolute most favorite Disney movies of all time in your signature. Could you be any more awesome?

    I wanna be Smee! Or Corey Feldman...
  15. WOO HOOO!! I get to be Peter Pan!!! do I get to fly around and wear a green leotard ?

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