Conversation Between Squall and Robbo

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. lol it does seem pretty freaky
  2. haha that sounds pretty awesome. I''d be way too claustrophobic to do that lol. Not much on my end. School, the gym, and trying to catch up w/ some buddies of mine whenever I can.
  3. not much tbh bro i went to london last weekend that was pretty awesome and hilarious there are actually dudes who can fit in tiny boxes i thought they were a myth.
  4. No problem man, anytime. So what's new with you these days?
  5. Sweet cheers for the info bro.
  6. I got it from a website called Buy Naruto & Final Fantasy Toys, Headbands, Weapons and Other Merchandise at My Import Store
    It's sterling silver, and by far the nicest Griever necklace I've come across. It's a little expensive, but I was lucky enough to get it as a gift for my birthday lol. If you're looking to get one I'd check that one out definitely.
  7. details on that necklace bro it's cool.
  8. That it is. I'll add brother as well, if that's alright.
  9. FFVIII loving Adopter?
  10. Sounds good man, thanks! What do you want me to put you as in my TFF Family?
  11. Blahhh sorry i took so long to post dude and yes to both of those
  12. Hey bro, quick question (two actually lol)

    1. Would you like to join my TFF family? I don't know why I haven't asked you yet lol
    2. To change your name, do you just have to post in the "Hey I'm Changing My Name" Thread and it'll be done for you? Because I want to change my name to Raging Squall and I posted the request in there and I want to make sure that's all I need to do lol.
  13. MachineGunn Kid
    I don't have a lot of games becuase I barely ever play to be honest. All I have are sports games and I have COD MW3 reserved. But add me whenever you get on and I'll do my best to be on when you are
  14. gah i suck i forgot your XBL gamertag.
  15. dude go on xbl now play me at something also don't be suprised by my voice for my age haha most people are.
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