Conversation Between Copperfire and Robbo

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yup. We have Kingdom Hearts. The second one as well. I might play again someday. I kind of got stuck the first time I tried it, but I did find it fun.
  2. Resident evil 2 was the best one do you have kingdom hearts by the way? because if you do id play that it is a gmae that can be played over and over without ever getting boring
  3. Ah. I don't own it. I'm not sure if we even have any of the Resident Evil games. We seem to have just the movies. If we do have any of the games, they're very old ones.
  4. A lot of the others i havet thought about playing to be honest if you have Resident Evil 5 i reccomend you play that i found it very very good but then the last boss is so very annoying because he is like god mod i still have not done it
  5. *nods* I watched my younger brother play, and the climbing stop was his major complaint too.
  6. assassins creed II is great actually i did a lot of side quest things as well they are very entertaining and the controls are better but climbing buildings is sometimes annoying because it stops randomly and you cant move anywhere
  7. I bought a copy of White Knight Chronicles, and I have Oblivion in my room since no one else is interested in playing it (I'm also considering playing Fallout 3 in my room since no one is playing that either). Any other game worth playing, like Star Ocean - the Last Hope, and Final Fantasy XIII are actively being played. I suppose I could start Assassins' Creed, or Assassins' Creed II (I hear the controls are better in the second one). I have so many other games going on though, I'm kept busy enough.
  8. Tutt and what other games but when you get a chance play it, it is extremely sensations expialidosiously good
  9. I have a PS3, but the game isn't mine. My younger brother bought it and the rest of my family has a PS3 upstairs, so they play it there. I haven't started a game yet. Mostly because I'm really busy with other games.
  10. Heyy do you have a Xbox 360 or a PS3 if you have one of those do you have Final Fantasy XIII??
  11. where are you going out on your travels on this maybe fine evening it might be morning i do not know all i know is its half 9 over here and david beckham cannot play in the world cup
  12. *lol* Okay. I'm good with that.
  13. because you seem like someone i may be able to get along with and there is a big homosexual time difference isnt there GAWWD planet had to a awkward hoe didnt it
  14. Oh! I'm okay as well. But I have to go out soon.
  15. Neither. I was born in Canada. Out of curiosity. Why do you ask?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 31
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