Conversation Between Josh_R and RamesesII

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Very good, my oldest 2 (twins) I took on the role of father when they were 3 months old now they are 5 @_@ and the missus and I have been together 4 years I think lol.
  2. We have been together for about 4 months now. Her kid is 3. Pretty much I have taken on the duties as her father, her real dad is deadbeat who doesn't wanna be in the picture.
  3. Very good how old is the kid, how long have you been with her?
  4. Ehh I have been pretty good. Made the move to a new city for my new job. Took the new girlfriend, and her kid with me. So things are looking pretty good.
  5. Feeling old but strong and wise O.o My two eldest kids just turned 5 today so had a bit of a bbq bash with the the family. Other than that it is almost summer here so getting pretty hot, but we just moved into a new house 3 weeks ago with air con woot.
    How about you how have you beenm lately?
  6. hey sir how ya doin hahah
  7. I knew you were lurking somewhere haha
  8. Back at ya
  9. Ehh right now I am just focused on one, but I am sure there will be other children in the future.
  10. Thats awesome dude you guys will have years of enjoyment thinking about any more or not at the moment lol
  11. Ehh i'm doing pretty good. The fiance had the baby 2 days ago. She gets to go home tomorrow. So we are both pretty excited about that. Other than that not much has been going on haha. So how is your family?
  12. Lol yeah place got boring none of the threads really interested me meh not the people lol and I didn't really have time anymore got addicted to online games @_@ anywho how are you, take this opportunity because i am on because I need a break from all the games I am playing at the moment and it may not last long lol
  13. whats up man, haven't heard from you in a while
  14. Hello
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