No, I'll look at my local gamestore! =) I've seen that Stop Raid attack in some of the videos I've watched! I've heard of that Affection Point system before! xD No, I'd rather have my balls in a vice. Oh, well, I want to do that, too! Just, I don't have many opinions on the subject. I just hate that Sephiroth, so much! No problem! You have real problems outside here! It's fine!
I was bored last night. I waiting until midnight on the dot to post in the Villains elimination. I gave the opinions I'd been holding back, and it... hardly did anything. But it did seem to spark a little activity, which is nice. But, I have to go now. We're going to take some things over to my uncle's house. (He's in debt, so we gotta go over once in a while.)
Then you may be screwed. xD YouTube - KH re : CoM - Sleight Exhibition Movie Wild Crush at 4:25 Lethal Frame at 5:45 (Called Stop Raid, but its actually Lethal Frame.) Actually, there were two new fire spells. Firaga Burst, see at 6:43 And Raging Storm, at 7:03 Not only that, but some of the cards have recieved a boosted effect. When Aladdin strikes, enemies drop Moogle Points. Simba's range is not limited to just in front of him. Donald also learns a new Stardust Blitz, seen at 4:10 Sora also learns Magnega, seen at 6:35 And was Megaflare in the original? Well, here's the Re:Com version... 7:29 And Holy got a boost, too, at 7:37 So, there's a lot of cool abilities to use. One of my favs is Lethal Frame. Its a great sleight for bosses. There's supposed to be a hidden Affection meter for Yojimbo. If he never dies in battle, and you always give him a good amount in battle, his AP (Affection Points) rise. I suppose when they max out, his chance of Zanmato is greater, and having a full Overdrive helps, too. I've only seen it once, against fodder enemies, though. Are you saying you still want him around?
Spam, spam, spam, spam! If you spam me, I'll spam back! BORED!
But I don't have a eBay account and Amazon is wack. =3 What do these abilities look like? It can and that video is lucky as heck but still! I can never get him to use it anyway! How now, brown cow? xD
I will off Ryu, yet.
Just go online. Three abilites in Re:Com that are RAPE. It can even kill Penance... YouTube - FFX NSG - Penance (Zanmato)
Yeah, but it's hard to find. 'Scuse me? =3 Yeah, but I don't like to use Zanmato because I'm awesome! xD
Probably a good idea. Oh, yeah. *Uses Firestorm, Wild Crush and Lethal Frame combos!* Did you know Yojimbo can kill every boss in this game?
No, the disc is covered in scratches. I need to get a new disc myself! Yeah, the awesomeness that the Americans didn't get! xD Well, you got Kingdom Hearts: RE COM so I guess we deserve it, huh? You should use Stoneproof, then! And yeah, Bahamut is a bastard. Yojimbo has to be beaten 5 times but I haven't fought him yet.
Are you sure there are no scratches on the disc? Oh, right, you have the International version. The US version doesn't have Ribbon. I heard Anima was difficult, and supposedly, Bahamut is the hardest. xD (I will always support you, Vivi. )
I can't fight in the Macalania Woods or the Thunder Plains because it crashes. Shinryu's piss easy! You have to have break HP and Damage limit on and Ribbon. I have problems with the Dark Aeons. Anima and Bahamut are my main problems but I managed to beat Shiva, Ifrit, Ixion and the Magus Sisters. Yeah, that he does! xD (Oh, thank God that you're here to agree! =3)
I lost my disc! (If I can't find it, I'm just going to go buy a new one. That game is too awesome.) Shinryu? I could never beat him. He always stoned my guys to oblivion. He sucks balls, too. xD (Ah, it will feel great once that loser is taken out, and the good villains remain.)
Yeah, I was playing Final Fantasy X today! =3 I've maxed the Sphere Grid with Rikku, Tidus and Yuna and I kept fighting the Shinryu to get Wings of Discovery. Wakka just floats there. xD Sephiroth sucks nuts. xD
Oh, okay, then. That makes sense. Sephiroth is losing!