Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. We're talking about the lord of all things holy here. A sword is too barbaric for him. Either a book or s ataff.
  2. Hmmm, I think Gabriel should have Yellow hair and a sword.
  3. But Gabriel is a whole 'nother story.
  4. Hehehe!
  5. I'm going to have fun with Fate.
  6. Yeah!

    Booyah! Perfect!
  7. Of course.

    After that, he can still mock you during each successive encounter. We're worms in his eyes, would should be put down.
  8. Yeah, but he's still enigmatic.

    Yeah, he really only shoes off when he meets the group.
  9. No, he is that powerful.

    In fact, even what he's doing isn't show-off enough. He's a manipulator, and as Fate wants it, sneaky.
  10. I had another thought, maybe he's just making a big first impression? like Rufus in FFVII?
    A sort of a Flashy intro?
  11. He has the nature, but remember he works under Gabriel. Behind his back, he's been plotting his overtaking for a long time. Fate wants the power of a god above all else. Yes, he has the absolute overconfidence. The ultimate douchehat, as in everyone is dirt compared with his power.
  12. I was thinking more like a "manipulator" so while it APEEARS that way, he's the one calling the shots.

    I was just thinking he would be sort of overconfident first time we meet him.
  13. He could just stand back on the sidelines and only get involved when he feels like it..

    ...and he takes passion in his job?
  14. I always saw him as enigmatic, but that's the perfect intro.
  15. Fate's saying he doesn't want to be a "fabulous" villain.
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