Passive scripts? Sounds interesting. Although, I'll let you decide what you want to do with it for now. Will this be in the demo? Would be an excellent chance to experiment.
Hey Ralz, I founded two quite powerful and solid scripts today. PASSIVE SCRIPT!! YAAAAAAY I've being waiting so long for that script! This script can make all kinds of Passives, Including the legendary conditional one! Have Half HP, And defense will increase! Increase power when poisoned? No problem! This script does most of things! If i can get this thing to work! Then we can make passives! Elyon's True Power passive is an great example of what im going to do with this script! Now, The other script is an alternative version of the Party Menu script, I might get it to work, But i can't promise on this one, It might not be the script to work, But i'll see what i can do. Just telling you.
So, basically, what happens in the final battle determines the ending? I guess I can come up with one bad ending. If its possible to have a time limit on one of the final bosses, and if you're too slow, it automatically moves to the bad ending. Sorta like X-2. Put in as many endings as you can. Including wacky ones!
Trust me, It's probably an glitch created by the RPG Maker itself, There's an feature that allows you to encrypt the game together with all stuff in a diffrent format, But it's not working perfectly, After the encryption is complete. It skips the whole music set if it becomes to much, Thus, Making an encrypted file without music, And if you would play the game, It would bring out an error that includes not having the music piece needed to play on the stage, Then the game would close itself down. Well, Im a bit too inexperianced to make several switch events that you possibly activate when doing the storyline, In the final battle, That they affect the destiny of the character, Im more up for that what happens in the end of the game Breath of Fire III or IV where you select an action, And the choise will be clearer and easier to make. New Game+ is very well possible, But im too unskilled to do something like that. So, You basically tell me to include an Good Ending and a Worst Ending?
They seem to have a place in the party menu, so it must not be a glitch, but something unintentional. Please explore this possibility, as it can open the door for more strategy in certain battles! Certainly felt like a "bad ending," anyway. As long as there's a perfect Best Ending to go along with it. I assume the choices we make dramatically impact which ending we'll get? I like multiple endings. BTW, is New Game+ possible? Or no? I had a strong feeling it isn't, but it might assist a multiple ending game.
Actually, These Status-Buff glitches... I have no idea where they come from or why they appeared, But i'll try to see if i find something on the net. Buff's before battle? Well, I guess it's possible, If i can change the Menu Scope of the skill from "Only In Battle" to "Always", I geuss the character will be able to buff themselfs up before battle, Never tried this though, Kinda good idea! I somewhat like it! Well, I geuss seeing Dimitri die was an bad ending, I makes me think, But i need to be certain from you. Do you want an Good Ending and Worst Ending be included in the next demo? Just curious, Because i feel like doing it, I had the perfect worst ending in my mind just right now!
I also apparently just beat the demo. Just started playing and beating all the secret bosses, one by one. That last one was annoyingly long, but I did it. I guess that would count as the bad ending to the game? Seems overly depressing... not to mention the Game Over screen suddenly appeared. Good demo, Elyon. I can safely say I've done it all for this one. Can't wait for the next!
I was playing the demo, again, and I finally noticed that sometimes, the buffs you placed in battle stick even after its over. I still have AGI+ on everyone. Then I was thinking, is it possible for us to apply these buffs before battle? Like the Shrouds of FFXIII. Granted, this is likely a glitch, but its still an interesting idea.
I always liked the concept of needing to earn your power rather than get it for free by leveling.
Yes, It's possible to learn spells from Items, Just gonna do an Common Event, But that's easy, Well, It wasn't even my idea to let characters learn their ultimate moves just by levels. They need to learn them by finding them... That sounded alot more cliche that it should be. >_< Well, I dunno... Perhaps... and perhaps not, It might be more clear when we get further on this.
So, like the Dissidia thing? Cool. Also, like with the Overlimits in the demo, is it possible to learn spells and such from tomes and whatnot? I figured that could be something to restrict the ultimate moves until the player finds them. Oh... never mind, then. How's about that second idea, though?
Actually, Just screw what i said before, The scripts suddenly stoped working... *sigh* More scripts into the trash can.
You know, Don't worry about the Skill list, I think i can combine them good, It'll take time but i can handle it, Just worry about the names, And items. Dark, Hell... I kinda liked Omega too, But... DA, TIS VIL VURK. So... The new version of the game is soon to be started, I haven't done any new skills yet, But with new scripts i've included. Now we can add skills into equipments, That is for example... EXAMPLE Elyon equips "Healing Ring", Elyon learned "Regeneration"! EXAMPLE END Well, Equipment that teaches temporary skills when equiped? Well, I think it's kinda epic. I've also included an script that allows Equipment Sets, Similar to the socket system in WoW. (Which i don't play.) EXAMPLE Elyon equips Spirit Helm. (Nothing Happens, Without the DEF boosts and the like.) Elyon equips Spirit Sword, (Still nothing, Except ATK boost from the sword.) Elyon Equips Spirit Armor, (Set Complete! Elyon recieves Extra DEF and MAG as long as the set is intact with the wearer) EXAMPLE END Well, These are the new script's i managed to scrounge out, You might like them. EDIT: IGNORE THIS POST
O_O Okay, I can do this... Summon your full imaginative potential, Ralz. Summon it! <_> I still think it should be four. Two of them are single target, while the other two are multi-target. The first two tiers have the same damage, but different targetting, same for the other two tiers. This evens it out, I think. Besides, there're eight spell families, so I'd need 16 new names? No thanks. I'll do that. I'm working on an item list, too. Don't you worry, Elyon. I can handle the complicated stuff in your stead. 8) EDIT: Actually, five tiers if possible, but only to characters who use a specific element. I'm talking about the "hell" and "dark" tier spells. That should satisfy you, I hope.
Yep, I can make up to 999 types of weapons at maximum at the RPG Maker, So don't worry! Well, I only came up with calling weapons with II, III or IV during their upgrades, But i think we can be more original than that! But i just explained an lazy solution. You do what you feel like, Either way suits me fine. Well, FF1 had their spells in multi, While Fire was single targetted, Fira was multi target in there, So... We basicly needs 5 tiers again. Single Multi Single Multi Single In their tier order, Basicly... The final tier is only single target, While the forth tier is the highest of being multi, If you feel like it... Well, I have problems with my inspiration, Like all the other times i've said it, Won't begin getting money until next 1-2 months or so, Then my dad and my friend will help me get a better computer, Hopefully... An Laptop. Well, We still need to get in touch much, So never stop messaging me whenever there's something you need.