Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. I haven't actually been there, but I have been to Niagra Falls. Now THAT's a view. xD (They sound more interesting.)

    (Have fun with your crappy FFX remake. We got a wonderful new and improved reIMAGINING of Re: CoM. (The reaction commands were the big change.)

    Again, International version. Anima's Oblivion can only hit once over here.

    But they adjust, he doesn't. In fact, he doesn't even come on to talk about it. He just sits back, complains, and wants things done for him. Really retarded. >_> (I can't take over, but I do believe I'm already a powerful member, moreso than even Alther. And bloody hell, the story is RUINED. >.<)

    Alther is dead.

    It asked for that, too! Although, I had no idea what to look for at first!

    I'll wait for it. (I just got a bike and a new desk chair! )

  2. Have you seen the Grand Canyon or are you just telling me to go see it? xD (We have worst names like "Buckingham Palace". Wow...)

    Yeah, definitely sucks! I need the PS2 version of the game to feel complete...

    Only the gems!? Wow, you have to be a masochist to enjoy putting yourself through that much torture. I used Anima on him and took a few million using Oblivion. Yunalesca + No Summons or Sphere Grid = TOO MUCH DEATH.

    He was? Since when? Well, everyone disobeys some of the rules. (Yeah, I know that but when you ask me to do something, I fail. Ralz, you should take over as leader because of what you do for the group, mate. =) )

    Not really...

    *hits him*

    Oh, my GOD! Alther likes Kefka?!


    Oh, well, you learn something new everyday, huh? =) Yeah, the British flag is called the Union Jack and correct me if I'm wrong but our coat of arms is called the Three Lions. =) (I'll have a look for it!)

    Yeah, it's your birthday and I'm making you something!

    Brap, and stuff! xD
  3. Well, we do have a lot of locations. You should see the Grand Canyon. (We have unoriginal names. xD)

    Oh. It sucks, then.

    I've seen No Summons battles, myself. They could only use those gems. Besides, summons won't last but a single turn againt Seymour before he Banishes them. I imagine Yunalesca being the biggest wall of a boss ever with those restrictions.

    The thing is, he was a senior member a while ago. You'd think he could follow simple rules... >_> (Elyon doesnt have much expectations for you, but for me, I've gotta micromanage basically everything that happens. Chaosthroph would crumble if I wasn't there.)

    Isn't that saying something?


    Didn't know that. I was playing the game, and I didn't know a lot of things. Bet, they kept revisiting old levels, so I could spot things easier. I even know now that the British flag is called a Union Jack. xD (The name is eluding me, but P.I. London Caper or something along those lines...?)

    Oh, right, my birthday. (I totally forgot. >_<)

    The pimps live on! xD
  4. Me, Adam and Tyler for your view pleasure!
  5. Yeah, Ralz! Just to tell you that it's 13 minutes away from your birthday, here!

    Happy birthday to you buddy! I love you so much! <3 <3 <3
  6. America's not bad?! Hahahahahaha! Funny joke, Ralz! (We have the worst names. xD)

    Yeah, VBA and no, it's not the computer. It's because the GBA wasn't capable of sound and video format.

    Seymour isn't that hard. I'd imagine that you'd have Anima and other summons to take him on. =) Now, Yunalesca on the other hand...

    Yeah, I've seen... (I'll cry right now and I'll comfort you, too...) But, every new member doesn't seem to get the rules. Even I suck at the rules. (I'm only good at the ideas part of the gig and don't get me started on letting you and Elyon down. =/)

    But, he didn't say he hates Sephiroth! Just that he likes Kefka...


    "I learned that the symbol on Valor Sora's clothing is the fluer-de-lis." You didn't know that? It's always a design on many of my shirts. =3 Well, you didn't know what the British currency looks like? Sucks, huh?... May I see this point and click game?
  7. America's not bad. (Just the naming companies. o__o)

    VBA, right? Your computer sucks, too?

    Seymour Flux comes to mind... >_>

    Unfortunately, it seems he'll be staying. (I'll be crying myself to sleep later.) And, as expected, he's a completely useless noob who couldn't read rules to save his snail's life, let alone his own. (Its enough to make me give up on all members aspiring to become great in the group.)

    Reread some of the comments on the Villains Elimination. Even Xanatos was shocked.

    Well, then...

    I just got done playing this super-long seeker games. (Where you have to find stuff hidden on screen and click them.) The entire game was situated in Great Britain, interestingly, and I learned a lot playing the game. I learned that the symbol on Valor Sora's clothing is the fluer-de-lis. And that a football is called a pigskin. And what the British currency looks like. And I learned that nunchuks are a Japanese weapon. And I learned that Big Ben has the most complex clock set-up EVER. o__O
  8. Yeah, of course you do! They sell games there unlike America where they sell you crap!

    All righty! I have the fight save stated so I can refight him at any time! Riku's level is pretty high and it's a pretty hard fight still. I hate the cut-scene at the end of the game because it's terrible quality and has no sound. =(

    Yeah, does actually... I mean, dealing with some of the bosses with Dark Matter! =3

    Does the seed control his every move? So, you really want Ryu gone, huh?

    YOU LIE!

    Nope, he's a hermit that steals things but same difference.
  9. Gamezone? I want your game stores. xD

    Look for one on YouTube. The GBA fight was much harder, but with Card Duel, its too easy.

    Pretty much. Sounds like hell to me.

    It wouldn't be the first time I've influenced him.

    The sad truth. =(

    But he has money issues and needs to have stuff brought over to him?
  10. Oh, we also have Gamezone! xD Creativity to the max!

    Oh, that sounds really good! I've seem the combos you can get with it but the fight with Ansem's a cakewalk?! Wow! I had so much trouble on the GBA version of the game that you couldn't imagine!

    Oh, right! So, you didn't get anything but the starting abilities on each person?

    Seeds and head sound good! Eylon won't like it very much and remember that he is the person that we are trying to sway. =3

    You're telling the truth... ='(

    Yeah, it's my brother! But, he isn't in debt though.
  11. Gamestop and ERB Games... >.>

    That's a thing with Riku. If you and an enemy both play a card with the same value, you can duel. The opponent will then give six 3-7 cards, and you have to break them to deal some good damage. The Card Duel makes the final battle with Ansem a cakewalk. No, seriously.

    No Sphere Grid. Where they have to play Blitzball and get Shining Gems or whatever.

    I don't have that kinda power. But I can plant a seed in Elyon's head...

    Alther is dead.

  12. Not a lot of variety with names over here, huh?

    Oh, well that makes sense. I just wondered because it stops time and I've not seen someone miss with it. What's with this Card Duel thing? It's not in the GBA...

    Yeah? What's NSG?

    We [you] have the power to do so!

    He likes Kefka and hates Sephiroth?! You're pulling my leg?... Seriously?

    Gosh, I know I have someone like that in my family!
  13. Ah. xD

    Sometimes, the enemies can be out of range, or too high to hit. Marluxia can even teleport out of it sometimes.

    I always play normally, stuff like that is for NSG gamers.

    If only...

    And he likes Kefka. The world has been lost to us.

  14. Well, yeah, we have a shop named 'Game' but the one I'm going to is called 'Gamestation'. xD

    But, doesn't it hit all five times, all the time?

    Nope, I've never used him on my newest playthrough! All bosses were beaten with skill! =3

    Let's just ban him right now! xD Mwahahahahahahahaha!

    Alther doesn't like Sephiroth?! Impossible! I refuse to believe it!

    Oh, that reminds me of someone... not sure who though! xD
  15. Called "Game," right?

    Its really great. It can take out an entire HP bar if all five hits are successful.

    Not that I ever was able to use it very well! xD

    If, by random chance, he cannot come back before 20 days, we should make sure he can't come back... *evil laugh*

    And that's enough! You hardly even need to justify that as its a universal fact. And even Alther has changed, apparently! He finally saw the light.

    Back, now, obviously. xD Just took some useless stuff over to him. Its like a garage sale, only he takes it for free.
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