Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Say YES to pull the trigger!
    YEEEEEESSSSS! xD I love Flyleaf! =D
    That's even worse! O=
  2. *Aims gun at Ralz* Just say the word!
    I was making fun of him!
  3. Well, that may be true, but apparently, he doesn't care if i kill Ralz now. >=D
    And you're annoying him with your Sephiroth-related things! D=<
  4. *Aims rapid-fire Rifle at Fate*
    I didn't know that Kyle was annoyed at me!
    I thought he would be annoyed with you! You hired me!
  5. Yesh, still good, because Kyle's back~! =D My holidays can't be ruined, yo'. xD
    And *whacks* For annoying Kyle.
  6. *grudgingly gives Ralzter the antidote and casts Curaja on him*
    There, NOW is you're easter good?
  7. Ha...uh...EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. >.< Kyle's back now and he sort of...doesn't want me (and that means you, too) to brutally murder Ralz, so...*nervous laughs* What are you waiting for, get him back! D=
  8. Thank you! Thank you very much!
  9. Oh, you're like, totally awesome, you know that? 8D YOU MADE MY EASTER!
  10. *Fires*
    *All allies fire*
    *Ralz begins to die in slow and painful agony*
  11. *static*
    Coooooomeeeeeeenciiiiing FIRE! D=<
  12. *static*
    We are preapared, fire? over.
  13. *static*
    Oh, so now I'm Hope, am I? xD Erm, slow, painful death, all the way! 8D Over!
  14. *static*
    Prepared, Viral bullets for slow painful death, or hollow point for qiuck death? Respond ASAP Hope. Over.
  15. *static* This is Fate. No, wait, Faten. No, no, no, Fataan. Wait, that's not right. Faaten? Oh, no, Faterz? Oh, so many names. Well, whatever! You know me! Anyway, good. Now get the sharpshooters ready. Over. *static*
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