Conversation Between Meier Link and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

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  1. Curja works well also, I wasn't sure of what all spells you had so I threw out a common.

    But the absteels in this area are highly suseptable to sleep, and they are undead.
  2. Ahh I see. Ok sry then. I have Sleepga and Curaga, but why Curaga? Why not have Curaja or Renew eh???
  3. I obtained him and only used him once, as for being able to control him I wasn't able to. He was set up like all of the others.

    When I was speaking of the gambits being set up right I was refering to make sure that you have sleepaga and Curaga set up to affect all enemies in that junction room, with sleepaga being above Cuaraga.
  4. Lol
  5. Oh and my Gambits are always set properly. @ first I didnt 100% know about the healing order before attack, that way you can heal if the conditions are met, but if not you will just attack or use magick according to your Gambit's order. But I didnt know that before, but ive been a pro ever since.
  6. These are my lvls so far: Vaan lvl 95, Balthier lvl 56, Fran lvl 56, Basch lvl 75, Ashe lvl 78, Penelo lvl 56. My parties average lvl is 69.33...But I will train some more so I am sure to destroy him, and get him as a summon. One question though...Is it true that you can control him yourself, but only him once you obtain him??? I saw a video and the person was able to control him with the ps2 controller, being able to move him and use attacks and magicks from Zodiark. Just wondering.
  7. Yeah I saw that, your welcome and I accepted your friend request. The fight is alot of fun if you go in at around that level. You can go back to the junction room with the absteels for easy leveling up. Probably one of the best spots for it. Just go 2 screens away and come back to it. Just make sure you gambits are set up properly before hand though.
  8. Hey Meier Link. I sent you a thanks on your post, and im adding you as a friend.
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