Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. Whoa, the ultimate fanfic-ish dream! Oh, I see Sora and Riku are here. Not very talkative, huh? Uh-oh, look. Here they come!
  2. * Punches Riku for kissing Kairi *
    * wakes Ralz up *
    Riku you are comming with us
    * Knocks Kairi out *
  3. *finds Riku kissing Kairi*

    Uh... is this a bad time? *gets massively owned*

    Well, Ethan... we got Sora... any...way...

  4. * Finds Sora in the forest *
    Hey Ralz I found Sora hurry find Riku
  5. Its possible Riku could be at the shack...
  6. I am guessing Sora in in the forest
  7. Riku might be over on the other islands...
  8. Now where to find Sora * looks in a cave *
  9. *runs off looking for Riku*
  10. Uh Ok * runs off lokking for Sora *
  11. We're in Destiny Islands!? *looks and see they are on the islands*

    How did we get all the way over here? Oh no, run. They're coming right for us! *runs off*

    Look for Sora, he can help us!
  12. * Looks * I can't tell but Goofy is here crap we gotta go maybe we can find Riku and Sora here
  13. *looks* Um... its possible we're in Ivalice, now. o_O Or maybe Gaia... Oops... Oh no, they traveled with us because they were so close!

    Yuna - I don't know where we are... BUT WE'RE STILL GONNA GET MARRIED! ^^
    Rikku - C'mon, boys, let's hit it off!
    Brother - I'M STILL GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!


    It does suck.
  14. * Looks around * are we even on Spira ????
    <goofy> Hey whats up you two ????

    aww I feel for you
  15. Then... where are we? *looks* We lost them, though, that's good.

    Well, I did watch it, but I can't hear anything. Because this computer is crap and has no sound.
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