Wonderful... You made it sound like he's learn it in two more levels! No, I won't. You'll see, I'll defeat the final boss with her help. You'll see! The Action Replay I have can only download cheats. I can't imput them into it. ... No, you gave up and I acknowledged it, so I WIN! So, the score is 4-3 now!
He learns it at a late level, though. You'll regret it! Cheat as in hints! You want me to find and link you to it? Soon... I WIN AGAIN!
Hmm... Know what? For saying that, she's going to be in my party til the end of the game. I'll prove you WRONG! Back to cheats, eh? I can feel it! YEAH, FINE!
Very useful spell!=] You can ditch the bitch Rena for her! It's long. Look up cheats for Second Evolution, one that includes using "Counterfeit Medals." i figured it out before even looking it up. I had no idea that it already exists!=P Almost there! FINE!
Still... I'll consider it. In my next playthrough, I'll have to get her! Aw! Next time! What is it? Very soon... NO IT DID NOT! YOU PUT IT THERE!
Well, it freezes the screen for the action, so it's safer. Oh, she is. Her anti-air attack is so fast that she can take down a flying enemy all by herself! Yeah, I wouldn't want to die halfway through a dungeon. I think if I should go for it, I'll be power leveling. Did you know that there's a super easy way to get to level 100? But since you skipped the part with Philia, you can't do it!=P We'll know soon. FROM YOU!
I haven't seen it yet. I got it in First Departure, but never bothered trying it. So, it's like Galaxy, in a way? She sounds very interesting... Still, it pays to be careful until then. Hmm... WHERE DID THIS COME FROM!?
Do you know how much damage Ravenous Fiend deals? It's dark elemental, so not all enemies will be affected by it, but it summons a demon in front of Leon. The demon throws scythes out for about ten seconds, so if the enemy is right in front of Leon, it would get hit approximately 20 times. Now, after the scythes, the demon will bite each enemy on the field three times. So, that's at least 23 hits. At over 1,000 INT, Leon will be dealing over 800 damage with each hit. So, that's 23*800, which is equivalent to 18,400 damage with a single spell! "Bring it down!" is what Opera says when she uses Tracking Plasma! Oh, yeah. I'll be sure to build a really good party! Bloody Armors grant you invincibility! He isn't online, so I don't know. *grabs Ralz by the collar*
Why would I throw little Leon out to the front lines where he could EASILY die? He's better suited sitting backseat, jabbing everything with magi-symbology! Bring it down! BRING IT DOWN! Be careful of those bosses that can One-Hit you! And? *sneaks away*
Poor Leon. You won't let him fight! Let's bring it down! Well, I'm fairly decent at playing it! I PM'ed Fayt, addressing the issue. WHAT!?
No, I mean it's regular use to move around quickly. I can escape enemies easier! I'll be with you on that! I wouldn't be so sure. Some games have even Easy to Normal difficulty, in which the game SKYROCKETS in difficulty! YAY! *record scratch*
My Leon is incredibly fast when Godspeed activates, moving faster than... something that's fast! I should tear the thing down! Oh, it'll be a snap! Hell, yeah! It's back! *gasp*
Whatever they call it... symbology? That may be Leon's only flaw, that he could die easily. But like I said, Godspeed is an amazing thing. It increases your movement rate on the battle field. It'd be useful for getting away! URGH! I can only imagine the difficulty... But that's how we roll! Yeah uh... Haha!
Magic? And he has cuteness, too, so that away the defense! ****ing wall! Yes, Chaos Mode! Yeah, he did! Hey, l know you didn't mean it! =]
Well... he's a mage, what do you expect? That... WALL! The last mode? You mean? (Earth, Galaxy, Universe...) Chaos Mode? Yeah, he said we knew how to post and said it was hard to catch up! BTW, sorry for that retarded comment about the pregnant woman and the bum on the street. Don't listen to Vivi, that was all ME.