Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. Now I have! I wonder if there any Fates...
  2. Did you even read what I just said?
  3. Good night, Ralzy!
  4. You're always on your PSP as the most inconvenient times! It was a YouTube video entitles "RaLZ." Surreal, huh?
  5. I'm not God!=P
  6. Why me, god?
  7. PSP. What is it?
  8. ...And you never will...

    o_O - YouTube - RaLZ
  9. I don't even know what that is.

  10. But how would you know if you've been geassed, the power of absolute dominion?

    I can now!
  11. Poor Leon!

    Haha, you edited it!

    I can fly!

    You can't cast magic!
  12. ...Poor kid...

    *You don't respond, because the geass has taken over your mind*


  13. *sniff* What happened to him?

    No, you can't! You're going to edit the comma later, aren't you?

    Blow? Blow dust?

    Prepare to fry!
  14. That's otaku for ya...

    Yeah, I can! *geass*

    No, Know... Snow? BLOW!? No...

    Oh... s***
  15. What the hell happened to my Leon!? NO!!!!! He doesn't look like that at all!!!!

    No, you can't!

    "Know" what, actually. No, what? ( Get it?) Don't!

    I already can!
Showing Visitor Messages 2461 to 2475 of 4705