Conversation Between Psiko and GypsyElder

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  1. Hmmm no immediate questions at the moment. I know I will come up with some though. No I don't think you would have taken that in a perverted way but I know I would just kidding.. but I do tend to do silly things like that in the back of my mind every now and then. I think it's normal for the most part.

    I'm going to organize some of my story parts and send then to you PM you don't have to read them now. Just whenever you feel up to it ty again ^^
  2. Nah, not anything specific so much as just an in general. It isn't anything important, after all, for me to know more of who you are in order to converse with you. Ha ha.

    I hope that is coherent enough. I tend to get my thoughts and sentences all scrambled when I start to get really tired. I should get around to writing the rest of my letter to Hyz and then I can get to bed soon thereafter, but I find other things to keep me awake longer. Oh well, at least I can add some conversation to that list and make things a bit more interesting than lurking on random sites on the interwebz.

    On the other hand any questions you ever like to have answered, feel free to fire away. I'm pretty much open to answering most anything.

    And come on, you think I would have taken that comment in a perverted way? 0:-)
  3. Weell, what would you like to know? HHmm. Right now I am attending Community Collage and planning to Transfer, I'm not quite sure where I would like to transfer to yet though...
    My Major, as of now is Fine and Media Art. I feel like things will develop from there. I don't stress things, I am a "go with the flow" kind of person. I also would like to take some Piano classes. I feel like I am very good with my hands (in a non perverted way ) and I kind of feel like I'm wasting potential by not playing hehe.

    Anything specific you wish to know?
  4. One could say that, I suppose. I don't RP or RPB often anymore but I used to do them quite well back in the day. I'm trying to get back into RPing a bit with Hyzenthlay, but it is tough with all the other things I have going on all the time. And the other moments of writing inspiration that take precedence, like that poem in my sig: it came to me today in a flash of brilliance and then had to form onto paper, and then onto the screen.

    So tell me a bit about you. I don't do much activity here anymore, so I am not as familiar with some of the members as I should be.
  5. ahaha!! yeah I thought so. I remember before when I was just a lurker without an account. I liked reading the Literature thread. I saw her posts a lot. You seem to be well rounded in RPing yes?
  6. Excellent, I look forward to that. Good call on DragonHeart, she is without question among the best writers here at TFF. She won't agree, but that is just the pessimistic side of her shining through.
  7. That would be great^^ I'll send you some of the "parts I've come up with, just because I feel like someone should sneak a peak I sent Dragon Heart one of my others not too long ago, but that one is much less developed... -_-
  8. Ancient Mariner is bloody amazing. Anything by the major Romantic era British Authors, really. Some poems are quite difficult to decipher, and I usually read a poem 2-3 times before trying to really break it down.

    World making is a massive undertaking, for sure. If you ever feel like sharing them I'd gladly take a look. That way you only have to face the harsh judgment of one person instead of the whole forum. ^^
  9. MMhmm!! That's great. I remember in English class I had a few hard times deciphering some poety I really enjoy it though. Taking the time to figure it out is worth it I really liked the Ancient Mariner, I think it was. The detail in descriptions were fantastic. I really got the images made up in my head well.

    I like to create my own Characters and background. I guess you could say world making? I have some Ideas but I'm kind of scared to post them I'd like to develop them into stories.
  10. Why thank you very much. I've enjoyed writing for nearly ten years now, although it is finally starting to take a form of its own. I always dreamed of that great novel, yet I am finding myself loving the expression allowed via poetry.

    Artsy isn't a bad thing. I can't draw a good picture to save my life, but I can certainly make one come alive with description.
  11. You have very nice poems. A hobby of yours?? I'm not big on poetry, but I'm the artsy type :3
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