I want to change back! It's so awkward! Everyone keeps forgetting who I am and the name isn't as good as I first thought! I want my old name back! ='( I knew it was internet trouble! I just knew it. At first, I was worrying about your health and that you never missed a day on this site but Fate told me to be optimistic! I was really worrying about where you were. I know, I was being silly but still! I care about you, dude! <3 And that's great news about the computer! I'll be able to send you links to music that you'll ultimately shun and call shitty but still, yay! You're back, you're back! Woot, woot! I LOVE YOU! <3 *dances frantically*
I like it, you are Nova, now. But that'll take a while to get used to. *nervousness* Well... to make a long story, and I mean a LONG story, short, the internet died where we are. And for about two weeks, my dad lazily forgot to fix it. We took it to the Geek Squad and they fixed us up good as new. Not only that, I finally got my computer fixed, too. It's got sound back, and I no longer need to stay up until 2 in the morning to listen to a music track or two. ULTIMATE woot.
You're back!!! And, yeah... but if you want to call me Vivi, that's fine. Where have you been?!
Where's my Vivi? He got taken away! xO
*coughs* I, erm, changed my name, Ralz... ='( I MISS YOU! ='( You're pulling a Kilala on us!
Where's my Ralzy?!
...........................No. I guess I do! Balthier is what's stopping me from despising it. I shall call you... Randomapple. Toe. Room Bath. =P Phew. (That's good to hear.)
Poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! x_( Oh, my God! You learn something new every day! I thought you liked XII?! Apples?! KillerMrPumpkins? What's next?! ViviMasterMages? Nose. Below. =) It is a she, correct! (Not all girl names are guy names! xD)
Chocolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate...... =X I thought I did, too!!! (Red Rum... Red Rum... F...ri...end...) Even XII did, and that SUCKED, except Balthier, the man. Indeed... apple. Nesh. Beyond. =D She has a nice house. (Or is that another boy's name???)
Ice creammmmmmmmmmmmm.... =D I thought you did?! (FRIEND... SATAN... DEATH... BLERGH...) Of course! Everything does! Indeed, doom! Nope, nope, nope, nope! Light speed. I'll give you some more in a while! Oh, that's my neighbour Rachel...
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ..... x) Okay, I do. =) (Death... DEATH... FRIEND... You death. You FRIEND.) Beats it by a mile. Indeed-tron. Yesh. Immediately. ...=( Oh... but I still want that house. xD
Appppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppples! xD Oh, but you must! =D (DOOM... DOOM... FRIEND...) There we are! Indeedsh. Yesp. This second. You liked, huh! Well, you're not getting more for a while! No, it's a picture of my garden! xD
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake ........ =) I don't think I do. xD (FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!!!!) Better than FFVII's, at least. Yesp. Indeed. Now. *is full from pictures* (I love the third to last one. A pole.) You have a STAR on your house? I'm going to steal it, now.
Yummy cake. =) Oh, well we don't have Wal-mart. We have ASDA, remember? xD (FRIEND...) 'Scuse me? Of course. Indeed. Okies! Here are the pictures for you to feast on: http://i43.tinypic.com/1zvetrm.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/9i65nl.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/10fyp0k.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/mw2mah.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/v4b0i9.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/1zb5btc.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/riuqyu.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/5y98br.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/of7l1e.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/nfi1f.jpg My house: http://i39.tinypic.com/207nbe1.jpg
Caaaaaaaaaaaake. =) Found it at Wal-mart. But I never use cheats until I first beat the game. (Google is your frieeeeeeeend...) I wouldn't know. The ULTIMATE plot. Chocolate, of course. Clever. Destroy it. 1. That was more of a hotel. I'm talking one floor, less space. 2. Hmm... 3. Lady Luck just so happens to be a good job, too... 4. Ya... 5. xD x Infinite 6. Soon, they will all know... 7. The pimp lives on. For one, they can hit an enemy anywhere between 4-8 tiles away, and can regenerate themselves almost completely for free, and they can deal the most damage right now, and they can revive, again for FREE. Death... good.