Happy birth day ethan ^_^ Hope you enjoy your new age
Thats great to hear and thank you for the compliment and well I have been great just doing stuff around the house is all
Oh Hi ethan Life is treating me very well unless my courses are getting complicated What a new dressed profile nice ! but the color with which I'm writing is hard to see . How have you been ?
Wow Himi I haven't left a VM here in a few days so how is life treating you????
Yeah no problem Himi I think your english is really comming along
hahaha Oh my Friend ...I'm greatful for having such honest opinion and useful advice I will be better soon I suppose , Yeah lots of work is waiting for me and I will have to study hard ... Thanks ethan ^_^
I find you English skills to be better than some other people I know but to be honest I think you still need some work but I think you can have it down within the month
Thanks , yeah it was good ^_^ I think my conversations with you were long enough to make you judge my language tell me how good or bad it is , I won't be angry If you said the truth ^_^
Good Night Himi See You Tommorow Ya????
hahahaah , I liked to post there to thank u but it's not allowed I will Insha'allh , then mommy says go to bed bye
You can thank a user for the post I like being thanked even tough it has only happened a few times
Ya see ya soon and next time could you put a thanks on for me?????
gee then hehehe I read them all , basicly they were cute and funny see u soon
Well no I put it there for entertainment I want people to look at it