Conversation Between Psiko and GypsyElder

236 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh yay! It is funny, up until about two years ago I wouldn't touch tea. And then I started drinking it, and now it is almost all that I drink. How tastes evolve, huh?
  2. yumm! just like me!
  3. Oddly enough I was craving tea really bad about an hour ago. In spite of the three cups of tea I've already had today. I've become a tea and water drinker, which is far better than my old habits of pop and cappuccinos.

    Oh darn, I gave away what I'd answer.
  4. Maybe I should ask about Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate since that's what I'm craving now. For some strange reason I crave coffee at nighttime.
  5. Yeah, sadly that tends to happen. Sometimes the best option is to make a thread about something that interests you! I bet you could come up with something great!
  6. No problem there's no rush. My dad was drooling over the game too ^^ If you have questions about it you can ask anytime.

    I can't seem to find something I wish to post in....
  7. Hello there. Sorry for my lack of activity today, I was idling a lot on here while watching a big football game. How are you tonight? I got the PM and shall try to give it a proper reading soon.
  8. Hmm, let me ponder upon this for a while.
  9. Hmmm. I know this is kind of random, but I've been thinking and I can't come up with anything... what do you think I should change my name to?
  10. wheeeeee! aha!
  11. Of course, all of that is sound. I'd never merely say "Good job" or "That sucks" without giving specific reasoning. Don't worry, I'm not a harsh critic by any means, but I'll not sugar coat everything, either.
  12. I mean, I don't like getting "this sucks" comments I don't think anyone does. Unless is followed by a suggestion to make it not suck. maha!
    If I asked some one who was not up to par with what I'm presenting, then I probably would get a "good Job". I would much rather get a "good job" or a "I liked it" from someone who knows what I'm trying to accomplish.
  13. Good for you. Most people would rather get a "I liked it. Good job." response.
  14. Of course I'm open ears! Besides I can't learn without good criticism.
  15. I think we all have a tenancy to get perverse at times. I may or may not have, ha ha. Feel free to fire away with any questions at any time.

    I'll read them whenever I have a chance and can give you good advice and constructive criticism. Just don't take it too harshly, as I never criticize as a personal attack but as a teaching method.
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