Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Yeah! I'm also aiming for 1200 post by the end of the year! =D

    Aww, you don't have to! =) It's nice to catch up though!
  2. Hurray for being alive!

    I should come on more often. Thus I shall make a pact that I will say something every day.
  3. It is in fact! =D You make me happy to be alive! =)

    It's fine. You can't be here all the time even though you should be! xD
  4. Oh? Today must really be great, then!

    Sorry about that, I've been focused on my games. xP Eternal Sonata has devoured a lot of my time, as well as First Departure.
  5. I had a lot to be happy about in fact! =)

    But no VM's for your Kylie-whiley? =3
  6. For obvious reasons.

    I've been here the whole time, but I just wasn't into posting.
  7. *is confuzled* Where have you been! =3 Yesterday was the best day of my life! =D

    Yeah, and welcome back as well, Ralzy! =D
  8. Ain't I uh make ah yah jump?

    Ah, guess you perfered the old one, indeed. Welcome back, Vivi.
  9. Ain't I a shtinker? xD

    Oh, I'm Vivi again! <3 Love yah!
  10. Yeah, I have to! Every seemed to like the other name better anyway.


  11. You sure?


  12. It's not! I'm changing back! xD

    No problem! I missed you a lot, to be perfectly honest. There's no witty charm without Ralz. =) Me neither! Get here to talk with me! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!111!!!!1!!!!!

    *piggybacks* xD
  13. Still, its nice.

    That was nice. I can't wait to get started! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I know. I knew me as Vivi for too long as well! xD

    You were? Aww, I obviously thought of you as you may have noticed! xD I'm back for good as well which means I'll be here every night to talk with you! It's also brilliant to have you back! I LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3

  15. We knew you as Vivi for too long.

    I was thinking of everyone every single moment I was away. Its good to be back! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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