Yeah I am doing a report on Saudi Arabia and I figured I would ask someone who lives there
Hi ethan the blitzball king you mean my country ?
Hey Himi I was wondering how is it where you live?>???
Hmmmm well I am still the same as always just doing what I do best is all
I am fine but confused somewhat ! and you , school , friends , family and life ?
Ohhhh Himi how is my TFF sister doing???
Buh Bye
Shukran ^_^ I'm having paper and I have to work though I'm not really in the mood , see u soon after I finish and present it until then bye ^^
I think your english skills have improved emensly here I am glad to see it and well I am just changing some stuff on my profile
Hey what's up ? sorry but what's the matter ?
I thought you had forgotten all about me Himi I was beggining to worry
Oh Hi How are you ? curious to know how does it feel to be 18^_______^
Do as you please I don't really care
wooow then you're the blitzball king after all I know but sorry I will call you ethan
Thanks Himi but I am no longer ethan I am Ethan Blitzball King