why Gray ? you haven't even reached your 22 birthday ! I think people there have many apportunities of making money right
Things are going so-so at the moment. My girlfriend is having trouble (financial) at her apartment. It is stressing me a bit making me get more gray hairs.
how is it going ?
Oh hi she's as you said little girl , I'm still little from inside ,The girl reminds me of my cute little niece , she looks exactly like her .
Hey there. Who's the little girl that is your avatar?
I like Lemon more than lime or green lemon coz it is toooo bitter we use it with salad sometimes but seriously how can I love cooking
Which do you like more? Lemons or Green Lemons?
aha , it's another kind of lemon , we call it Green lemon
Lime is different from mint. Lime is a citrus fruit which is usually green in the skin color. Limes are smaller and usually sweeter than lemons.
people differ in their like and dislike for flavors but what lime , isn't it lemon? I like chocolate milk also and for lemon with mint I'm sure u will like it just give it a try
I've never mixed or had mint and lemon but it does appear to be tasty. What about mint and lime? Or mint, lemon andlime? My friends and I like to make strawcolate (strawberry and chocolate) milk; I've got the ratio down that neither of the flavors overpower the other.
Amazing , you must be the grey healthy guy then really drinking water is veeeeeeeeeeeeery healthy for your body but during winter I may spend days forgetting we have something called water , milk is good either , I don't feel I hate any kind of drinks but some flavors like mango , I dislike it have you tried mint with lemon , woow it too delicious I think i'm gonna go mix and drink them and your welcome to join ^_______*
Well I'm close to your boat Himi, as I don't have "big" celebrations anymore; eventually I just didn't care as before. My birthdays usually consist of me choosing what I want for dinner, that is if I'm home; I may be out with my friends. I've been drinking more water, but I L.O.V.E. milk. I can drink milk with almost anything. I do drink soda/pop occasionaly.
As for my birth day , it never goes more far than being a birthday , which means to say , Oh see today is my birthday ,really ? then happybirthday It is a moment to remind me how I grew up , what good things have I done and how can I make up for my mistakes , how much did I change and was it good or bad ? what should I do to have greater Himi as for my 23 birthday , or does really the knowledge I have suit my age and how much work awaits for me for making self development .As to thank Allah that one year passed and I'm still among the living breathing ,living happily with my family and having everything I want as I suppose , everyone is fine and doing great , but big celebrations don't take place in my religion and culture for bithdays , so people don't matter about it , may be that would appear a bit strange for you and everyone since they don't know much more about Muslims culture but generally we have two great celebrations each year that muslims all over the world celebrate , it is our religion ,it forms our life style dear Zargabaath
weird , I always wonder about people who don't like tea or coffee what do they drink instead ?