Thanks! I'll check it out! If this doesn't bring him out, I'm going to request Sephiroth Kills Kuja then Seph kills Zidane then Terra, then Kefka! That oughta bring him back!
And here it is. Hope this works... YouTube - Dissidia Final Fantasy - Blah, blah, blah most generic fight in existence
I'm going to become a hypocrite for but a moment because Vivi has been gone too long. I'll be uploading a video of me fighting as Sephiroth and beating down on Cloud. Of course I had OWA playing, and it was a struggle making the fight last as long as it did, seeing as how Cloud's AI is so uselessly predictable. This also might serve as a treat for you, Alther. But mostly, its to fill Vivi with such a powerful hatred and despising of Sephiroth, he'll HAVE to come back and stop me.
Look in the Pointless Submission thread. Its the most evil thing I will ever ask of you all.
VGCats FTW! Yep!
LOL. It was difficult explaining some bits, including Alther and Fate's new connection. Some things still need work, but hey, that's what you all are for, right?
LOL I like VGCats! *Cracks whip* WORK FASTER!
That avatar threw my off. I'd better get to finishing it. This should help Elyon with his woes.
Me of course! The dude in my avvy is leo (From VGCats) Cool! Can't wait! Sure enough!
Who in the world ARE you??? o__O Anyway, I've got about 90% of the information ready. Tomorrow, or rather later today, I'll put them on the group. I've thought up story ideas, new battle mechanics, and ways to go about various things. It will be my most detailed work, yet!
I'm good. We seemed to have squeezed all we can.
Not bad, you Sir Ralz? No, no new ideas... I ran out of Creative juice.
How goes it, Lord Alther? Come up with any new story ideas? I'll be giving what I know on Sunday.
I'm just using what we have available. Assassins know what killing people is like, so... I'll have to present these ideas to Elyon.
Hmmm, that's pretty good! I like it and it makes perfect sense! You are a heck of an idea guy! (And an even better storyteller)