Or keep it and have a lot of fun. I wouldn't need a car, I could just FLY to work!
You could sell it for a bunch of money!!
Yes, and just imagine what you could do with the jetpack!
That would be the best one! I also think a magical beam that gave whoever it touched explosive hemorrhoids would be the second best.
They probably wear anti-rach whatevers underneath it. Besides, I'm looking forward to the pen laser! ^^
*gasps* OH!! I just saw you're other post! T.T; Well, why didn't you get any sleep? I stayed up till 5:00 watching anime on that day. ....Heh You poor thing! *huggles* If you want to cry, you can! OK!! Now getting back on track; spy gear would be the best! I just wouldn't like the spandex spy outfits I would have to wear. ....Since spys and superheros wear spandex, wouldn't they get a big rash?? o.o
Being a spy would be cool. All the gadgets would help out, too.
*Jumps in and hides behind avatar* I'm a spy! :3
I like my privacy, too. I also enjoy my sleep, which I didn't exactly get this morning...
I don't know why anyone would want to put up with that. I like my nice private life.
Yes, not to mention the paparazzi would be after you ALL the time.
I agree! Being with a celebrity would be too hard -_-; Besides, who would want to get caught up in all of that stardom anyways?
All in all, too much hassle for a relationship, and an odd one at that.
Sssh!! Be careful how loud you say that! Fate may hear.... XD That would be mega creepy! Would it be an arranged marriage? You'd probably have to go to California to get married though o.o
Actually... I have a confession to make.... I'm his fiance... Just kidding! I couldn't imagine that!