Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. *releases*

    That was fun. I also released all my inner rage built up on the group today. I couldn't handle it anymore, so that was nice to get off my chest!
  2. >w< Kiiiiinda tight in 'ere.
  3. *hugs*

    *hugs tighter*

    *practically squeezes*

    Blush away!
  4. Awww, gimmie a hug. You're gonna make me blush for this, man.
  5. Well, I thanked you anyway! xD
  6. D'awwww, no need for thanks. >w<
  7. I love it. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  8. Bawwwww. I feel so honored.
  9. Beautiful. SO making it my avatar! Thanks!

    Happy birthday!

    Sorry I was a bit late, had to help out my art teacher with a play and be her new minion recruit. :3
  11. You know what, I'll just give you one of the offical game sites. Mana Khemia 2 Official Website -Character-

    I'm okay with it. Do you have suggestions?

    My point has been proved.
  12. Hmm...

    Clay Rosethorn? Hmm... sounds original to me.

    Yep... I was the one who skipped 50% of the school assignments.
  13. I think it would be easier to find the games, rather than GUST's official site.

    Mhmmm..... Rosethorn? I'm thinking of flowers right now.

    You were one of them before I was in Kinder, man.
  14. GUST? Okay, I should take a look. (Ralz is dying without a change.)

    Clay... Aikens? No...

    Those gosh, darned kids.
  15. Maybe. GUST's character designs inspired me to dump a cluster of lines and fancy on every little piece of art, so far. xD Maybe you should see the characters from their games first?

    Mhmmm, last name.....

    Am I glad I didn't end up like them.
Showing Visitor Messages 211 to 225 of 813
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