Conversation Between Fate and Freya

236 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think it's so funny how some kids in my grade can still be asking me, "Hey, what's 8*8?" I either give them the answer or I say, "Uhm... Are you serious? Shouldn't you know that by now? I mean, how on Earth did you pass the grade if you don't know what 8*8 is?"
  2. Ouch... that hurt. xD"" I remember something like that, too. One of my classmates didn't quite see that 3*4 was 12... I don't remember the exact question, but she needed five minutes to realize and say that. O_o
  3. Oh, I think I remember one now! You see, there was a math question, a very easy one, that asked: express in numerals: fifteen. Of course the answer was: 15, but some idiot decided that he would write: XV, because he thought the word "numeral" meant that he was supposed to write in Roman numerals...
  4. Hehehe, I know what you mean. >3 I also think that some people are just TOO stupid to be in my class. But I can assure you that sometimes they won't pass the year. And then you got rid of them x3 (I was happy when all the stupid people weren't in my class anymore XD)
  5. Oh, my class always gives stupid answers. Now, if I can only remember one of those hilarious ones... Seriously, though, some answers were ridiculous, like just... idiotic. I'm surprised those kids even made it passed last year!
  6. You got some strange teachers. O.o Mine are all okay~ But I also saw some teachers who yelled at students because of really stupid reasons.. I still think they should be teaching xD" I wouldn't dare to do anything if I were you XD" (At least.. in math x3")
  7. Well, some teachers feel embarrassed at my corrections, probably because they now know they shouldn't be teaching if what they're teaching is incorrect! Some of my teachers are horrible! For example, nobody liked my math teacher, because she was so mean and evil all the time. She yelled at us for doing absolutely nothing. We couldn't even talk!
  8. What?! They yell at you?! O_o" You sure you're in a school and not a prison or something like that? XD Sometimes I really think that some teachers aren't good enough to do this job...
  9. But some teachers yell at their students for correcting their errors, so ones sort of discourage me...

    He, what? It was totally true!
  10. Woah, that hurts. X.x Teachers at least should know how to spell words... Somehow that's really sad. XD"
    Btw. I'm glad you found my popcorn-comment funny. XD
  11. Nope, I didn't hear a thing!

    The funny thing is that my *English* teacher makes the most spelling errors! And once, I pointed out that two of my teachers spelled "separate" wrong. They thought that it was really spelled "seperate" in stead.
  12. Now you made me search for his name.. argh.. XD *whispers*tre skills*whispers* You've read nothing << >>"

    Haha, I like you already! =D I also love to correct teachers. But my English teacher normally doesn't make any mistakes. I rather correct my maths teacher. xD
  13. Really? Where is it?

    Heh heh, thanks! But I can be too... rash at times.

    I'm a grammar freak, too. In fact, I have a tendency to correct my teacher's spelling errors at school!
  14. Ah well, but there are many people who aren't able to write properly. I even saw one on this forum *coughs* <.<"
    I like your attitude ^^ I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to grammar and spelling. I just have to have everything right. >_o I even find mistakes in newspapers, I see them everywhere. x..x
    (And I'm quite sure my spelling wasn't as good as yours when I was 13 XD)
  15. You read something of mine? I've been told I can be intellectual, too, because mostly when I'm here, I tend to act just like a kid. Hey, that's the highest I've ever gotten! Thanks!^^

    Well, I think good grammar just comes natural for me. I mean, I barely even understand those people who can't properly spell or punctuate correctly. So I'm just making my posts comprehensible.
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