Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. Got it.
  2. Haha, Corfu is in Greece and Wales is next to England
    Corfu = Good Wales = Bad
  3. Must be nice... whatever you just said..
  4. I went to Corfu when I was 9-10 but all we go now is Wales
  5. Well, I'll bet one day you'll go on a trip far more fabulous than that!
  6. Awwww.... your trip sounds great
  7. Don't listen to him Ralz it's a TRAP!
  8. Fun, to say the least. You see, we went river canoeing, and it was pretty beautiful. Although, there were times when it was HOT!.
  9. Haha, Well good for you how was your trip...
  10. How bad... Anyway, I feel great being back after soooo long!
  11. Your BACK *Hugs* Fates been howwible
  12. Oh, by the way, don't let Fate confuse you. He really is thirteen, he's just trying to trick you... LIKE HE USED TO TRICK ME!
  13. You're welcome, and thanks for your comment on my Final Fantasy IX picture! ^^
  14. Yay Thanks a lot
  15. Alright, it's done. Bask in it's glory!
Showing Visitor Messages 2206 to 2220 of 2228
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