Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Add a mix of 255 Luck, and he can't TOUCH! us! *hi fives back*
  2. And 255 Evasion so he can never touch us! *Hi fives*
  3. And 9999 9! HP!
  4. Well shall not give in... By the power of 255 strength!!!
  5. Yeah, THAT's better!
  6. No... more like FATE....HAS....LOST
  7. Yeah, we can't let him spread his lies! Of course... he lost. That's the perfect three words of the day. Fate... has... lost!
  8. Haha I know, I backed you up.
  9. Vivi, don't listen to Fate. I'm not his slave, not here, and certainly not on "another forum." He's full of himself and loves to make STUPID, and usually untrue, REMARKS! He's trying to bury the truth with a long-forgotten argument. The fact remains that Fate... lost.
  10. Well, I'm done for today. 400 is a lot!
  11. Just wait 2 mins.
  12. Aw, the chatbox filled up, again...
  13. My Snake Eater broke . But buy it's worth it. Sad ending but I won't tell you.
    Btw Your plan on making Fate annoyed backfired sorry.
  14. I need to play that. I've been getting through Sons of Liberty. I also need to play three. I've only started about a couple months ago.
  15. SO MUCH IN COMMON, I loved 4 but it kinda let me down a little bit. Maybe I was a LITTLE too hyped for it.
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