Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Alther Primus

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  1. =D

    Oh! (Well, what does that look like?! xD)


    I've heard of them, yeah.

  2. Nope! (Im not there unfortunately, I WANNA SEE THEATER OF DEATH!)

    *Is very sad*

    It's W.A.S.P.! Have you heard of them?
  3. Yay!

    I'm guessing Alice Cooper!
  4. OK!

    So, guess who I'm going too see live tonight!
  5. I'll make my own!
  6. Cool! Do you want one?
  7. Awesome! By the way, I love the User Bar idea!
  8. All right then! I am reporting for orders!
  9. Nope! He is my right hand. They're completely different! xD
  10. Sounds great! But I thought Fate was your second-in-command?

    Anyways, thanks for the promotion!
  11. Well, how's "second in command" of my army against IT sound?
  12. Welll, "It"acted immaturely for a brief moment.
  13. Thank you, Alther. What made you get hurt?
  14. Just so you know, I just lost all respect for It.

    Which means my neutrality is blown. I'm at your side till the end of this bloody conflict!
  15. Hey! Question! I see you have a PS3 ID, so I was wondering, do you have SCIV?
Showing Visitor Messages 196 to 210 of 799
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