Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. That was supposed to be a backwards compliment. xP

    I want more trailers, and I want the game! xO

    Did you see that Re:Coded is getting a total upgrade?
  2. Aww... You're so mean... ='(

    You're just weird, but still! xD
  3. Rambling? As if... It comes in all forms!

    I watched it like 700 more times. Vanitas and Terra sound better and better each time. ^^
  4. Well, do ya? =D I'll take as a yeah at the moment! xD

    F**k yeah!
  5. SQUEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VANITAS IS EPIC! <3 <3 <3
  6. =D I love you, Ralzy! Want to see me ramble for a while, mate? =)

  7. Whee!

    KH FTW.
  8. Of course! (Candy plan will win! xD)

    Yeah, but I'm up for anything new!
  9. That would be great. (Emperor FTW) =)

    Maybe. But I'm still rooting for BBS more than anything.
  10. Hehehehe! You're never destroying the candy plan, Ralzy! =D Yeah, that'd be cool but then again, Fate should make us our own when we get past 2222 posts. =3

    I know! Thanks a lot! =) It's not actually. I've played a Japanese game before hand. Maybe there's still hope for me! <3
  11. I'd be there within six months. xD They should create personal ones you can create once you reach 10000 posts.

    Its coming to the DS, huggles. Maybe you can import it? I don't think the DS is region-locked.
  12. Haha! I suppose that you'd want to get to 10,000 posts if it said "Emperor of TFF", wouldn't you? xD

    Yeah! I can't wait but then again, I feel like Europe will get screwed over again with the RE... x'( Hug me!
  13. I guess so! I don't think its availble as one of the jobs, but I'd be all for it.

    I get more and more psyched. Did you hear about ReCoded?
  14. Apparently, it's the Mastermage class! xD Oh, and Fate's going for the same goal! xD (Or the emperor you've always wanted to be!)

    Oh, I know that! I've heard a lot to be honest with you!
  15. A nice goal. I'll try for 2000! (I can become a god with effort.)

    On the plus side, there's MAJOR developments on the KH side.
Showing Visitor Messages 196 to 210 of 2228
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