Conversation Between Ralz and Ethan Blitzball King

987 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ok sounds good
  2. Well... my normal email is... um... I'll PM you.

    There goes the town..
  3. Get an E-mail so we can talk again

    I did I nuked Chastoph
  4. Oh, look, there's a random airship.

    You should blow them up.
  5. Great sounds good

    Noone now I left
  6. It will end with us getting our money back.

  7. I wonder how this will end

    Who we gonna hit first???
  8. Irony.

  9. I know its kinda weird how we are chasing them now isn't it????

  10. We have no choice.

  11. <_< >_> Theivery

    Great blitzball fans fighting together
  12. I just realized... how are we supposed to get fuel for the airship without any money?

  13. * Goes to get another airship *

    Join me in the battle so we can start
  14. *sigh* We'll need another airship.
  15. Good * checks wallet and sees he is poor * not good we have to hunt them down
Showing Visitor Messages 196 to 210 of 987
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