I wonder, if I change my gender to male, would people really think I'm a boy.....?
I seez.
No, I'm just really tomboyish. orz
Are you secretly disguising yourself as a boy to get back at your friend for something!? oO
Confusing my gender? Ohhh, that chat. Ahh, don't worry, it happens a lot.
I felt the strange need to apologize for confusing your gender. But, as I often confuse my own gender, it couldn't be helped.
*attempts to beatbox* Untse, untse, untse....
*repeats* CHEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!!!!
*gets a balloon full of helium and sucks it* *squeaky, high voice* SQUIRREL!
Awww. >_> But I have balloons.
Here's your kite! *but it flew away...*
Where's my kite?
Fly, fly away!
*starts tiltiing* I feel like paper. Maybe I can fly now.