Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

2228 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Vivi, how're you today?
  2. Glad to know!
  3. Sou.
  4. No one.... Leave me alone.
  5. ...think you're messing with...?
  6. Vivi... who do you...
  7. I'm just trying to get my point across. Don't judge ME!!!!!!!
  8. Why are we CAPITALIZING one of our words in each sentence?
  9. I do? I don't ESPECIALLY care, but I did enjoy its casual presence.
  10. You sound really heart-felled was it THAT big of a loss to you Ralz?
  11. Basically... no different from any of the others. Don't worry about it Vivi, what's done is done.
  12. What went on in FaRaKi?
  13. THAT was a loss... I'll definitely miss those moments... but oh well, maybe it WAS for the best...
  14. Sorry about FaRaKi...
  15. Told you!
Showing Visitor Messages 2056 to 2070 of 2228
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