Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. It's ok and ongoing. I had been taking a break from college because I was unsure of what I wanted to pursue which did not sit well in my mind. But after my mother said some stuff to me, I thought about what I would like to do and an idea came into my head; so next semester I'm going to be taking an accounting class and business orientated classes.

    What is the celebration of Eid al-Fiter about?

    Yeah, I'm unsure if it was actually dangerous, but their was some bug that got into the code when they were doing stuff and now everything is fixed.
  2. Oh Zargabaath , It's been long time since I saw you here either , how are you ?
    yeah I was busy with the month of Ramadan and then the celebration of Eid al-Fiter
    I was away from studying but I bought some English books which I belive I wouldn't regret buying them .
    plus few days ago I was trying to step in here but there were a scary red page appeared to me saying there are viruses along with this site and that would damage your pc and etc , so i think they fixed this problem .
    What about you , how was your vacation?
  3. *sneak* *sneak* *sneak*

    Hello. I haven't heard from you in a while nor seen you. Have you been busy with your studies?
  4. There is possibility with physical features people being able to maybe guess where a person is from. For example: there are a lot of people of italian descent near and in New York City, but in the rest of the state of NY there are pockets of German, Irish, Jewish, French and a couple of other ethnicities. A person may be able to tell where a person lives by the style of clothing, but that is not really indicative. The best way to guess where a person comes from in the U.S. is by their accent. There are many different accents in the US; my friends and I were talking about them the other day as a matter of fact.
  5. What about the way they look, I mean do u have something like when you meet a guy you say he's absolutly from the north coz of his skin color or eye color , what are the norms of beauty in your country either of guys or girls , people don't look the same after all
  6. I live in the south, but not the deep south. Boston is in the New England States which is in the north. I am 587 miles/945 km away from Boston.

    Yeah, there are differences in America. There is the deep south but Louisiana, which is in the deep south, has its own unique culture in their region called - cajun (for example). Besides the south & deep south, there is the north, the New England states, the Ohio Valley region, mid-west, south-west, north-west. There are more areas that are unique and some overlap. America is very diverse to put it simply.

    There are areas, such as Bel-Air in Los Angeles, that are very well-off that could be considered prestigious. For the educational aspect, there are Ivy League schools which are considered some of the best universities and very prestigious.
  7. I'd like to know how far Boston is from where you live , it's In the south I suppose but the question here, are there differences between American themselves due to the place where they live in ? are there some people considering themselves the prestigious community due to the name , or wealth or education ?
  8. Indonisia.
  9. Where is your maid's homeland?
  10. woww the same with me , but I will have my job interview today at noon , I hope they would accept me as a teacher of English for small kids . Life is beautiful but our maid has just left for her home land and I have to do the house work instead , so there is no time for anime , but it's ok all what I think about is that job I waaaaaaaaaaaaaant .
  11. Pretty well. I had a job interview yesterday; I feel it went well. Now I must wait and see if I am what they are looking for as an employee. The company is Securitas which, you may have been able to deduce from the name, a security company.

    I've been watching more anime lately and I finished a book today which I've been on for a couple of months.

    How are things with you?
  12. Haven't heard from you in some time , how have you been?
  13. "Drop dead" is comparable to "humph" if the former is said in a more sarcastic way.

    And thank you. I got upgraded to the new me - version 22.0. Bwahahaha
  14. Happy new year for you Zargabaath
    Hope you success

    about drop dead , I think I will say :
    Drop dead ! English is really difficult !
    So It's like saying ( humph ) right?
  15. I'm guessing you meant "drop dead"; if somebody responded with "drop dead" then they would not be too happy with you. "Drop dead" in that instance would be an expression of anger, rejection, or indignation towards the greeter. The person who said "drop dead" doesn't literally mean for the person it was said to, to drop dead - it is a rude hyperbolic statement.

    Now the adjective - and adverb - of "drop dead" isn't insulting at all, rather it means: dazzling or awe-inspiring. Example: She wore a drop-dead outfit that all the other women admired.
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