Jsut a current pic. *Facepalm* Elipses
I'll find one where my bangs are long. x3 Or i can just use the one that I show everybody who asks me. =P Onion Knight? Hahaha, spelled how?
OK, same here. OK! I already knew that, but I thought that it was differently spelled.
Okay, and I'll try and dig up a picture of me. =3 They're good, too. ^_~ Or Google if you sharpen the image afterward, since you get to pick your screenshot and positioning. There you go. You learn fast. =D
I'll PM you a pic in a bit. I prefer Gamespot and Google. ... Oh yeah...
Hahaha, I'll only agree if you show me first. xD IGN has a ton of great screenshots out of video games. 8D ... <--- These are ellipsis. x3
Send me a pic of you so I'll know! Thanks! ???
Although I honestly don't think I'd know it was you if we did. XD Good luck, now~! Ellipsis?
Meh, who knows, we might meet eachother IRL! OK! ...
I suppose, but I wasn't born here (and I like Asian better) so I prefer to just call myself an Asian. ^_^ Remember, colors are your best friends in avatars! =D Mehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehmehme h!
Well, it kinda does, are you a citezen of America? OK! Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah!
I do, but that doesn't make me an American. x3 Just try your best, and I'll help you if i can. ^_~ Blahblahblahblahblahblahblah!
I thought you lived in America... Thanks, but I'm not sure... Yep!
Nope, I'm Asian. ^_~ But my eyes are incredibly big for being one. ^_^" I think you'll do great~! =D Hahaha, loool, thankies! xD i think it's my talkative nature. =3
Oh, I thought you were! Thanks! Looking foward to making them! You, my friend, have some SERIOUS popularity!