Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

813 Visitor Messages

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  1. I find myself dancing to it.
  2. *Is loling at the gif of Ventus dancing to Dan-jo*
  3. I feel nice tonight. I just beat that stuipid Star Ocean game on the PSP, the one where the save got deleted. I got back to where I was and finished it.

    There's just something about finishing a game that makes me both happy and sad. Happy because I finally did it, and sad because the fun's over.
  4. Hey, how are you? Doing good recently?
  5. Gogurt used to be cool when they did pudding... >>
  6. I like yogurt better, though.
  7. Honesty is the best policy. And so is applecake.
  8. Yeah, you are. At least it's something honest.
  9. For example, some of us get accussed of acting prissy. And some of use are gay.

    Not that I'm defending those people, just that they exist...

    ...I'm just setting myself up for a bad joke, aren't I? oO
  10. Ah.
  11. Well, its not all flowers and sunshine over here, either.
  12. Forever, actually. I don't have the will to be fussing over girl-like problems.

  13. So, you're currently a tomboy?
  14. I'm a girl, but I'm not very feminine. So if I were a boy, I'd definetly be a boyish boy.
  15. Perhaps, but you'd probably be a rather feminine boy.
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 195 of 813
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