Conversation Between Cyanist and SuperSabin

185 Visitor Messages

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  1. Be thankful you're not playing the KH2 atlantica... ugh lol
  2. I'm in the under-water world in KH-1. I cannot STAND it!!!
    About your VMs, what a pity. That's exactly how I started. But once you start them they keep going. The trick is to find someone who's always on-line.
  3. I've played both games. Kingdom Hearts is fun, but it does get dull after awhile. I actually play a variety of RPGs, i don't limit myself to just square games. As for VMs, I don't get much myself unless if I'm starting the conversation haha.
  4. Hello! I love it when people VM me, it's so unexpected! Have you experienced the pain that is Kingdom Hearts? Or are you one of those 'FF Purists'?
  5. Haha, nice one with the lucky charms title and hi btw
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 185 of 185
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