So how are you Ralz, It's 3pm there now isn't it?
Your right, I like your ideas, maybe I would like a different Cid from another game and not 7. I might want Zack in it but that's it.
I'd like to see Terra and Cecil. They ALONE could replace the entire FFVII cast. The only person from VII I'd keep is... probably Cid. Because his character wasn't entirely without merit, and because of him, FFVII wasn't completely emo... Also, we NEED to see some Exdeath and Kuja action. Otherwise... KH might be heading in the WRONG direction...
Haha, I didn't think of it that way. SHE IS BADDASS isn't she. I'm thinking of other characters that should be in the game.
WHAT!? She could destroy anything with a snap of her fingers! She was evil, but no one else could figure it out... Not to mention, she can use her powers to manipulate dolls and make them cannibal!
Correct, It is one of his children! Other than that, I didn't think Lulu was good at all...
To me, that's not the real Vivi. It's one of his children who crossed dimensions. Best explanation. That IS NOT Vivi! Forget that, where's LULU!? She was like... hardcore. I like how they had Auron in II, but we need more FF love OTHER than VII...
It's a conspiracy! I mean it's just so the FF7 fanboys are happy, the SOB's made it so the good villains are out of the game, I mean Cloud gets a good role, Squall gets a good role, WHERE's zidane and Bartz. And people who got suckish part's like Tidus and Vivi. *Shivers* That Vivi will make me turn in my grave!
EXACTLY! Where are the GOOD villains here? Except I beat even OWD on Proud Mode, at level 80 with just the Kingdom Key. Haha, douchebag lost to the third weakest Keyblade!
Your right, the proud mode didn't add THAT much of a challenge, except the fight against The One Winged Douchebag, why is he the only FF villian in the game, and the only one you fight, where is Exdeath, Kuja, and Seymour!
More like... KH>FF>SO, but you're MOSTLY right! Anyway, I feel the Forms were a part of what made II too easy. Even the aledged hard setting, Proud Mode, didn't really offer me any challenge. I was... hoping for more, to be honest. But, it's still a great game.
I still prefer the Kingdom Hearts style of Action RPG to the Star Ocean one, I don't know why KH's is so appealing but the gameplay is excellent. I think the addition of Forms in KH2 was awesome. Master form had great combos and the new Dual-wield feature made me really appreciate how much of their time went into the game... I don't know why I went onto this topic but you must surely agree it's FF>KH>SO
I think it really captures what they were looking for in a battle all along... It's face-paced, something's always happening, and best of all, it's fun. FUN.
I know! I love the combos, It's fast-paced and fun to look at, very fluid. What do you think of it so far?
When you get the chance, play it and don't stop! Ungh! Yep!