Wow, the game sounds so lame. And it sells for $200+ on eBay. Ridiculous.
Then it turns out your efforts were COMPLETELY in vain, because the Lifestream ultimately saves the planet for you. It's got to be the biggest WTF? moment I've ever seen. It basically means this entire trip was pointless!
Well, to sum it up, it goes like this: You go on some random terrorist trip... It ultimately botches... Some president gets killed and everyone is shocked... Apparently the world is doomed from a spell called Meteor and only Holy can stop it. (BTW, Aerith has the power to cast it all along, but didn't tell anyone) You find some airship pilot(and his story is USELESS to the plot) You find a DAMN ANNOYING ninja wannabe(also USELESS to the plot) Find some random gambler/fortune teller(not kidding) Emo, vampire faggot... And you find... a dog(could this party be anymore lame?) Aerith gets killed, although I'm sure you know THIS part. After actually a third of USELESS story plot that just seems to drag the game on, you FINALLY go after Sephy. When you get there, he's basically god... but you kick his ass rather easily regardless.
I've never played VII, but I probably will never. It sounds quite boring. Plus, I know the story isn't set in the same world/landscape/time as the others, right?
Oh, I don't mind Cloud as much, I just hate, hate, HATE!!!!!!!! Sephiroth with a passion! I'll be glad to get through his as quickly as possible, though. Once again, play a REAL Final Fantasy. The first FF is better than FF 7, BTW.
I never saw what the big deal was about him. To be honest, I don't like Cloud much, either. It will pain me to play as him in Dissidia to get his crystal.
I would've fought Necron over Sephiroth! Not Vayne, because Sephiroth is still slightly ahead of him, but not by much! But yeah, a real hardcore battle with Exdeath would've been hardcore. He can teleport, too! And Kuja would've been awesome, because he can fly! And nuke worlds in seconds! Forget the One-Winged Douchebag, put a REAL villain in, not fanservice! And that's all Sephiroth (One-Winged Douchebad) will EVER be... to me, anyway.
Oh, I never even played it for more than an hour. Sephy is a mistake upon creation. Haha, I laughed at the circle thing. I bet you would have wanted to fight Exdeath or Kuja in Kingdom Hearts instead?
What? You killed Aerith and burned down ONE village? Ohh.. I'm so scared. Not to mention, unlike most RPG villains that always taunt you, he was nowhere to be found. Actually, the true villain of the entire series was Hojo... You know, creepy lab coat guy? Yeah... and actually Hojo is QUADRUPLE the character that the OWD could EVER HOPE TO BE!!!
I didn't even RENT it... The only FFVII games I've played were the original and Crisis Core. I watched a walkthrough of DoC on YouTube... yeah, it blows... HARD. And as for the OWD, he really wasn't much of a villain was he? I mean, we have seriously evil villains like Exdeath, who used the void to seal most of the world away, or badass Kuja by completely annihilating an entire world within, like, three seconds... and then we have Sephy. Great Sephy with his ONE wing(wouldn't he fly in circles?) and his impossibly long sword. He was no villain as you probably gathered.
Dirge of Cerberus was a waste of my twenty dollars. That thing is a disgrace to Final Fantasy! I hate shooter games, and that was pretty much like one.
And don't even get me STARTED on the epic fail that is Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. Come one, come all, leave behind the realm of logic, and enter the dark, brooding world of the creepy, goth, emo vampire faggot...
FF VII - FAIL FF VII: AC - BIG FAIL FF VII: DOC - ULTIMATE CRISIS FAIL!!!!!!! Good god, it's like everytime they TRY, it leads to pathetic failure. FF VII is not AT ALL worth its fame. The Materia system was needlessly complex, half the characters were either unwanted douchebags, or COMPLETELY USELESS! (i.e. Cait Sith) BTW, was Advent Children supposed to make ANY sense at all? It seemed like the story had no consistency... It all comes down to the epic fight between Cloud and the OWD, but the story up until then is complete and utter BS.
I liked Crisis Core. However, I hated Dirge of Cerberus. That one was a failure in my mind. How did VII even get so famous in the first place?
The fanboys have been rather quiet in recent years... Maybe because the last game, Crisis Core, was actually WORTH its existence, and they look for a game, FINAL FANTASY VII, that IS NOT worth its existence.