Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fine, you're not not a hacker!

    Good night!
  2. Am not!

    Aww, that's good, then. Let it end!

    I think I'll call it a night. Night, Ralzy!
  3. Hacker...

    Yeah, and no one stopped me, so...
  4. I stole it from SF!

    That's terrific news!
  5. What's the code? Aw, it looks just like you! If you we blue and we just a head...

    On another note, the FFVII Character Elimination is being cheated out.
  6. All right, I'll get to them when I can.

    I have a new smilie to use against you!
  7. I'll say this much though, from a graphical perspective... it's beautiful on PSX...
  8. I.... didn't really play it... But I heard it was... rather dumb, as well. Here, this guy is fantastic, watch his review all the way through. He's so hilarious, too!

    Watch his entire review, its the best! Also, make sure to watch all his other videos when you can. This guy is amazing as reviews and making them enjoyable! ^^
  9. How was FFVIII, though? Was it okay?
  10. It seems FFIX was the ONLY PSX game that got it completely right. Nobuo Uematsu wasted his time with FF7... They ALL did... Why bother remake that crap-fest? Remake good games like FFIX! Give them the respect they deserve! FFIX earned its position as a great game, and FF7 was merely thrust into popularity. I can only guess that an FF on Sony was such an unbelievable thing, that they would eat it up no matter how much is SUCKED. And it sucked!
  11. I wonder who even started this whole thing. Some people decided to play FF, and they're all like, "Oh, I wanna play FFVII because of the fans it has." Half of them don't even pick up another one, such as FFIX, which was GREAT!
  12. Any fanboy who thinks they can argue with THIS... is retarded. Seriously, DESTROY FF 7, kill it now! Don't play it, or you'll regret every moment you LIVE.
  13. I sold mine a LONG, LOOOOOONG time ago. I played it when I was ten. Even then, I knew I held... quite possibly the WORST game... in FF...
    Horrible character development...
    The graphics are a f***ing joke(Cloud apparently has pipe-cleaner arms)...
    Needlessly complex gameplay and Materia system...
    At times, POINTLESS story progression(only about 1/3 of it actually MATTERED)
    And worst of all... typos. This game has got to be the most laziest work on a game I've EVER seen. "This guy are sick." There is NO excuse for this. This isn't some third party company, this is SQUARE ENIX!!!
  14. And it's packed with idiot characters, right? Maybe you could sell yours for hundreds... Oh, I guess people are finally shutting up those fanboys, huh?
  15. How the HELL did this game sell almost 10 MILLION units? W...T...F!? This game is complete BS. If you saw it, you would have this empty feeling from the bottom of your SOUL. It's like "I gotta get away from this game. I gotta play something else, ANYTHING else..." Knowing that in the end, its pointless... I really, REALLY felt sad. I felt like I completely wasted my time and effort! What a COMPLETE waste of EXISTENCE!
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