Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think my six months not being on and my time in school last year also changed me. See, I started my articulation in school, which carried on over to forums, destroying the noobness.

    I keep getting the Force Sword, and never the Sword of Marvels.
  2. Yeah, guess everyone had some growing to do, huh? No one really seems the same when I read those posts. No one, expecially you, really conveys that way anymore.
  3. I think a year did me good.
  4. Well, I think I was guilty of the same thing. I barely knew of forum life back then...
  5. Of course. I barely knew anything about forums back then.
  6. Well, well, well! I was reading through your first posts in The Ban Game, and you seemed to be quite to Nooby Douchebag.
  7. Just keep trying! I managed to just get the Goodie Box myself now.
  8. Random... Anyway, I got the Goodie Box, and I've been trying and trying, but I haven't come across the SoM in at least 12 attempts! Am I missing something?
  9. Not until I get my cookie.
  10. Maaaaaaaybe... Gotta go, later!
  11. Do I get another cookie?
  12. Yeah, alright... Good night!!!
  13. Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All right?
  14. Okay, then.

  15. I'll show you tomorrow!

Showing Visitor Messages 1831 to 1845 of 4705
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