Fine.... but what if it's out of stock!!! Did you pre-order yours??
Just get it after school!
Damn it. My mother said no! Oh well....
It's worth it!
Hmmm, ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I'll take the day off school to be the first to grab a copy!
I assumed you would try it... Who knows, maybe you could get a fews laughs. "Garland! I'm gonna kick ya bum!"
Oh GOD DAMN! Why in hell did I not think of that! (YOU ARE A GENIUS!) But I guess I might as well wait the 2 days now. (You couldn't of told me that last week!)
i'm sure a lot of people on eBay are selling it. Why wait?
Import the English version? What do you mean?
Anyway... why didn't you just import the english version? You understand english fully, so...
Well I say Towmarto you say tomayto!
Well, it was set up SO much like {Zi - daine} Oh whoops, I meant [Zi - dawn]
I do pronounce it (Zi-dan)... It's the Americans that mispronounce things... no offence.
If magic ain't your thing(and you're a guy) go with Zidane(pronounced [Zi-dan]).
Zidane or Terra!