Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Alright, Fate! I did it all last night. Now everyone is Level 100, and I have 5.5 Million Fol! ^^
  2. I wonder if you cao make the Emprezia for Rena now... I'll find out.
  3. Hey Fate, I did it! I got the Sorceror's Knuckles! ^^
  4. Really? It must be because you talk with me so much that my character influenced your dreams.
  5. I dreamt I was playing as Onion Knight! ^^
  6. Check PM. I proved it. I have a RIRICA!
  7. You are psychic. Well, were psychic.

    I can't remember who I played as, though. I remember Terra.
  8. But if I could be psychis, surely you can warp to places! ^^

  9. I'm not genius enough to teleport myself across states, you know.

    You put them in my dreams, too!
  10. Thanks! If I see a kid genius, it might be YOU! ^^ See ya!

    Definitely! I'm playing it in my dreams now!
  11. All right. have fun there! ^^

    Well, I'm sure you'll have more when you have the game itself.
  12. Even more? ^^ Tell me later, we're going to the Monroe County Fair today.

    I've been giving you tips up until this point. Don't think I won't be able to provide you with even more! ^^
  13. If my experiments are correct, assuming they are, it is possible to get one BEFORE going to Lacuer.
  14. Maybe when Dissidia comes out and you've mastered it, it can be your turn to give me tips.
  15. You know, I was going through the PAs in my guide, and after a few in Linga, Harley, and Lacuer, if you do it right, you can get a RIRICA! However, it involves AFTER the contest is over...
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