Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Lolz, I just said "just" twice. xD (Here, too!)
  2. Instead of just breaking up the messages carelessly, I'll just make single posts.
  3. It's been a fair while since I've done this.
  4. On second thought...

  5. So, yeah. How's life been treating you, lately? You okay?
  6. Well, at least you have returned. Where were you, anyway?
  7. Sorry... eh...
  8. I exist too, ya know.
  9. Chew on this. And have a good chew at that!

    YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - GameSpot Exclusive Trailer
  10. Did you hear about the Last Airbender flop? What a total failure.

    And its also disheartening to me, because I enjoyed the original series it spawned from. Although I've only gotten to the end of the second season, it was a good show, much better than anything else Nickelodeon put out at the time.
  11. YouTube - Birth by Sleep Trailer, July 13 2010

    Another trailer for Europe. (You are all so lucky. ><)

    BTW, awesome avatar. =)
  12. Awesome.

    I still appreciate them. I hope you're well in recent days, though.

    Oh right, he's in Platinum. I'll have to get that, too. I suppose so.

    We'll take it all.


    I know the name, but not the user...
  13. Book of the year ward goes to Ralz! =)

    I understand that but remember all the times that I shunned you? I love our discussions, too! I'm okay to talk to but I've seen better.

    No, you can't get Lucario on Soul Silver without trading! xD Should have made that clear! Still, buy the game anyway! It'll bring back some memories like it did for me! =) So, it's going back to the Linear Style, then?

    And as they cower, we can take their munnies and get some new games! =D


    Oh, and does the username Ventus ring a bell?
  14. Well... first he got started in college, he wanted to study brains. (Lolz.) Down the line though, he met the most beautiful female brain he'd ever seen. Naturally, it was love at first sight for both of them, but as they dated more and more, Kyle's brain was eventually forced to choose between his finacee' and his dream. With a heavy prefrontal cortex, he left her... But, even when she was gone, she was the only thing on his mind. His grades suffered, and he was inevitably kicked out of college, now stripped of his dream girl and his dream future. Fast forward to ten years later, where he is living in the worst of conditions in a run-down apartment. Life has become unworthful for Kyle's brain, so he has decided to end it all. With a pistol and a single bullet... it would be quick. As he was about to pull the trigger... she burst into the room. However, the shock of seeing her again after so long accidentally caused him to pull the trigger... As she stood over his dead squishiness, she whispered that they had two wonderful children, and they wanted to see their father, and now they never would... However, in reality, Kyle woke up in a sweat, realizing that he is NOT a brain, and he is quite alive. End of story. =)

    If not for you, Fate probably would've driven me away forever. Also, you're so much fun to talk to. I enjoy all of our discussions.

    Musn't... give in to... money issues... Lugia is the only one. You can get Lucario in Soul Silver!? oO (He's a fav, too. Gotta get it now.) ...Well, I suppose the experience will be fresh, then. I could've sworn I heard its battle system was taken from the series, though.

    And then we'll be all "come again!!!" and they'll be all quivering in fear, and we'll be all "haha, you're quivering in fear, lolz."

    More! MORE! MOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!
  15. What, my brain have a life? Did it have children and a wife before becoming a drunken convict and ending up getting himself killed?

    I don't agree! Give me one thing I've done!

    I know, I couldn't skip it either! x'( Oh, yeah, Lugia! *drools* Want to know my team? I have Empoleon, Lucario (Who doesn't?), Gallade, Polygon Z, Scizor and Gengar! x3 Oh, and Eternal Sonata is nothing like a Tales game! It's more Star Ocean in the past. =)

    Oh, and we need a cool phrase like "Here's your daily dose of protein, b**ch"! xD

    More trailers?
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