Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

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  1. On second thought, I kinda like it spicy. Although it's weird. I'm talking to myself..... again.

    *really, really want to choke you. And possibly tear off each living limb and put them back together*
  2. *poisons all of Meigumi's remedies*

  3. Hmmm, kinda tastes a bit weird though.... Tangy? Spicy? Actually, it is kinda burning my tougue... I'll probably have to get some water now. Oh, and maybe some Remedy for this stuff.

    *wants to choke you*
  4. Nope! (The poison should take effect any second now...)

    *Removes your limbs, and leaves you in a ditch*
  5. Hey, do you have more of these? I think I'll share some with Ely. And maybe put some in my coffee.

    *May not be able to show emotion, but is clearly mad at you*
  6. *Smiles*

    *Removes eyelids, and eyeballs*
  7. .....Hmm, tasty. :9

    ..... *glares*
  8. *hides the poison vial*

    *Removes your vocal cords*
  9. Hmm.... >w< Okay, it's safe to eat. *pops cube into mouth*

    *trying to speak*
  10. Ice cube tray -_-

    *Cut's Meigumi's jaw off*
  11. Hmmm.... *looks at cube* How did you make this? I just need to make sure it's not poisoned..... >_>;

    .....Time for something completely different! La lalala la la la♪, la lalala la la la~ ♪
  12. Mocha

    *The army closes in, revving their quad chainsaws*
  13. Uhh..... *observes cube of cream* What, uhh.... flavor is this, anyway? Just asking.... o_o

    *ends song* And, now......
  14. *Begins singing "Eat it"*

    *The army closes in, then starts singing along*
  15. ,,,,, *stares* Uhm...... This doesn't look so edible........

    Well.... This is the end. >_< *takes out bible, opens it and sings quietly to self while reading*
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