Well, I know an extremely annoying enemy that is so cheap it can kill yours little by little. >=3
"Let's see, we've got a 10-foot tall minataur straight out of Hell, how do I make him fearsome, because obviously the fact that he's a 10-foot tall minataur isn't fearsome, add some cybernetics and replace one arm with a rocket laucher, and VOILA! A fearsome foe!)
Hmm, the most fearsome common enemy? I'd have to think on that one. =3 What's the Cyberdemon like?
So... what do you think is the most fearsome common enemy in a game of your choice? Just wondering... Because the Cyberdemon is pretty fearsome, want a description?
"I'm not small, I'm concentrated awesomeness!" x3 ~Copyrighted to dA.
Hello! How are you mr. tiny?
Hi Fate! Random Thought of the day: The Cyberdemon could kill Hope from FFXIII, know why? "In the annals of lazy game journalism, little stacks up to GamePro magazine's "pro tip" for conquering Doom's baddest foe: "To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies." Ridiculous, yes — almost tautological — but the pro tip neatly encapsulates Doom's appeal. When faced with a twenty foot tall, cybernetic minotaur that has a rocket launcher for an arm, what else are you going to do but keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting, until it finally friggin' dies?"
Okie Doke! Now you're even SMALLER! *Threatens to stomp on you* ... ()
I'll be waiting! =S But I'm already little! Dx ...I...uh, forgot my next line. ><
OK! Yep! On YOU! Yep! ...
Any will suffice. =D PM me when you do~. ^_~ Who, on me? Ellipsis? [/deja vu]
OK, I need to take a fresh one though... *Casts Mini* ...
Actually, I'm being lazy, so I'll show you the picture I showed Kyle two months ago, where you can see that my left eyes is bigger than my right eye. XD You missed; I'm too short. >=3 *hurls a dictionary at your head* Loool!
Same here, as soon as I can! *punches your gut* LOL!
I'll take a picture, then. =P *whacks your face* Oh! xD