Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, I know an extremely annoying enemy that is so cheap it can kill yours little by little. >=3
  2. "Let's see, we've got a 10-foot tall minataur straight out of Hell, how do I make him fearsome, because obviously the fact that he's a 10-foot tall minataur isn't fearsome, add some cybernetics and replace one arm with a rocket laucher, and VOILA! A fearsome foe!)
  3. Hmm, the most fearsome common enemy? I'd have to think on that one. =3
    What's the Cyberdemon like?
  4. So... what do you think is the most fearsome common enemy in a game of your choice?
    Just wondering...
    Because the Cyberdemon is pretty fearsome, want a description?
  5. "I'm not small, I'm concentrated awesomeness!" x3
    ~Copyrighted to dA.
  6. Hello!
    How are you mr. tiny?
  7. Hi Fate!
    Random Thought of the day:
    The Cyberdemon could kill Hope from FFXIII, know why?
    "In the annals of lazy game journalism, little stacks up to GamePro magazine's "pro tip" for conquering Doom's baddest foe: "To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies." Ridiculous, yes — almost tautological — but the pro tip neatly encapsulates Doom's appeal. When faced with a twenty foot tall, cybernetic minotaur that has a rocket launcher for an arm, what else are you going to do but keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting, until it finally friggin' dies?"
  8. Okie Doke!
    Now you're even SMALLER! *Threatens to stomp on you*
    ... ()
  9. I'll be waiting! =S
    But I'm already little! Dx
    ...I...uh, forgot my next line. ><
  10. OK!
    Yep! On YOU!
  11. Any will suffice. =D PM me when you do~. ^_~
    Who, on me?
    Ellipsis? [/deja vu]
  12. OK, I need to take a fresh one though...
    *Casts Mini*
  13. Actually, I'm being lazy, so I'll show you the picture I showed Kyle two months ago, where you can see that my left eyes is bigger than my right eye. XD
    You missed; I'm too short. >=3 *hurls a dictionary at your head*
  14. Same here, as soon as I can!
    *punches your gut*
  15. I'll take a picture, then. =P
    *whacks your face*
    Oh! xD
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