Conversation Between Fate and Ethan Blitzball King

184 Visitor Messages

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  1. This is Kyle.
  2. if you don't mind my asking who's kyle?????
  3. yeah ive only heard of the game not actually seen any of them sorry
  4. I'm making it of Maqui from FFXIII.
  5. whats this one gonna look like????
  6. I'm working in Photoshop to make me a new avatar.
  7. why don't you and i talk much?????
  8. yeah they look great you should really do some more and see how they come out
  9. Thanks! ^ ^ Each one took around two to three hours; I'm pleased with how they turned out, though.
  10. nice album how long did it take you to get all those pics???
  11. hiya how are you????
  12. did you see my las post on tidus fans????
  13. just great i can't wait untill the new ff comes out
  14. Hehe, yep, stars for my background, in recognition of Star Ocean. =D And I'm doing wonderful myself. How about you?
  15. hey how are you
Showing Visitor Messages 166 to 180 of 184
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