Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. Sounds awesome. Well, and she isn't the best at keeping a low profile so far.
  2. She's very "trippy," meaning she trips a lot.
  3. As long as her personality is amusing, awesome points all around!
  4. For red hair? She's also hilarious and clumsy, so more points for that?
  5. Well, she has red hair, and that automatically gave her 50 awesome points!
  6. Did you read her biography, then?
  7. You're jumped ahead, AGAIN. I'm almost done, just WAIT. I'll tell you when I get a psynard. Till then, cool your jets!
  8. You've got Chisato already?
  9. Why do I get the feeling the top developers of this game had similar jobs?
  10. Also:

    A zoologist...
    A creationist...
    A nurse (sorta)...
    An unlucky person.
  11. Not bad for a reporter...

    BTW, I just realized something...

    We've got a treasure hunter...
    An archeologist...
    A pharmicist...
    A scientist...
    A reporter...
    A cadet...
  12. Chisato is, quite simply, irreplaceable in terms of sheer power.
  13. Well, he's certainly not going to replace Chisato anytime soon.
  14. I wonder if that's even possible to do... I once had a Rena level 183 that only healed around 5,000 with that spell.

    He's actually quite decent. With the proper setup, he'll be dealing 7,000-9,000 each hit, plus the flying sparks of light that fly out thanks to the Archangel's Bracelet should deal another 5,000.
  15. About 3000. But just wait, when I improve her Mag, she'll do just as big as Healing Star! No, by the end, she'll be healing 8000!

    Leon has one task: cast spells. If he starts attacking, then all he's grown to know is useless. I actually like Leon's role as a mage the best, because it actually makes sense. He wields a book, a house of knowledge, and only through knowledge would he have learned about symbology.
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