Phew. Had ice cream, too. The Symbol of Annihilation? It's very important to the plot, actually... There's also the Symbol of Divination.
Alright. These books are fascinating! How Symbology works... and something called the Symbol of Annihilation...
Oh, so hungry! I'll see you in a bit, after I eat!
Nah, but I love his character! So calm and laidback! Like me! Haha, I guess I just witnessed the first Chisato trip-up! Right now, I'm reading up about everything in the library about the Ten Wise Men and the Energy Stone, both because I should refresh myself, and because I can!
No, I don't. You are Bowman?
Don't you mean the good ol' Dr. Leon D.S. Gehste?
See, even the animals love the adorable brat! <(^.^)> Rock Explosion is VERY effective in that, you know.
Leon. ASSHAT! Haha, yeah right. I'll just be digging my grave trying that now.
Am I right? I never knew that. All I know is that there was some way to get tons of items with the bracelets with Bunny. If you're feeling skillful, go complete the 50 survival battles in Fun City after you get the Psynard for the final bracelet.
*raises eyebrow* Huh... there's something. Even if you stand perfectly still on Bunny... items will still come to you...
Is it the one with the whip? Ernest?
Maybe I should've kept quiet about that second part... Lolz, while I was trying to summon Bunny, it didn't wanna come for anyone. Guess who he finally came for?
*gasp* Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Am I being annoying? Huh? Huh? HUH!?!?
And there we go. Everyone level 100. NOW you can be annoying.
She sucks at being a stalker.