Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ralz

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  1. Because I wanted to be the first to rate and comment on it.

    So, what do you think?
  2. Why did you post on yourself?
  3. No more for you!

    Aw, lucky!

    YouTube - English Dissidia Final Fantasy - Winning the World Champion!

    Know that isn't my main YouTube channel, and I'll be using my main. Raltzer, from now on.
  4. I guess so, I liked the taste of authority. I WANT MORE!

    Oh that kinda sucks, but I did get a week so I win.

    Oh of course I would!
  5. Sorry, but it gave you three minutes of authority, though, right?

    Some stupid thing, I think the power's out or something. I don't know, I don't care. FREE DAY!

    So, Vivi... I already linked Fate, but would you like to see my first ever Dissidia vid, also? I accomplish something big in it...
  6. what!

    So you didn't need sleep at all! I tried to help you.

    So why haven't you got school?
  7. Haha, I fooled you, Vivi. We don't have class today.
  8. How come your not in school?
  9. Oh god, it's nearing 3 o'Clock Ralz!
    Night night!
  10. Oh, right!

    Good night!
  11. Stop responding to me and go to bed!
  12. o_O Ughghghghghgh...

    Good night then, and don't you disregard your own words! ><
  13. Haha!
    Night Ralz, see you in the afternoon. I'm watching you!
  14. O_o NOOOOOOOO!

    Okay, I'll go to bed...
  15. Alright, have a good night! (Don't you dare pretend to go asleep by logging off and still be playing Dissidia, or I'll tell your mom!)
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