Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

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  1. I got home hours ago!

    Try to get Hyperlauncher; I dare you! It helps to equip a Beret and two Rainbow Diamonds and playing Goddess' Arrival. I've been trying for two hours now and still nothing. You can create now. Her level is almost meaningless. Try it.
  2. Church, right? Happy praying... or whatever you're supposed to say!
  3. I'll go through the files again for reassurance. See you soon. Gotta go now. I have to wake up at 6 A.M. today... Ugh!
  4. And I thought they were just a bunch of old guys who just wanted to destroy stuff. But nope, they're just... pet projects, is all...

    BTW< about Gabriel... was I wrong? You may as well tell me...
  5. I did it myself this morning. I thought Pandora's Box was going to be an item.
  6. I did it, Fate! I unlocked the secret files in the library!

    The four documents mentioned the REAL origins of the Ten Wise Men. I'll assume either the story tells you this, or you DO know, but apprently th Ten Wise men are mere experiments, whose initial purpose was to sustain the peace of Nede. After Philia, Lantis' daughter, got killed, he went mad. And apparently, this was just before his completion of the final Wise Men, Gabriel. Lantis went insane and reprogrammed all the Wise Men to destroy the universe. However, in the last report, apparently Lantis committed suicide, but(and I think I interpreted this wrong), Lantis might have fused himself within Gabriel.

    Quite a find, huh? I told you I'd do it!
  7. Hey Fate, did you ever get the Scumbag Slayer from Ruddle?
  8. Well, hope you feel better tomorrow, Fate...
  9. Thanks. My head really hurts. Good night.
  10. Good luck.

    (Probably take an hour... *chuckle*)
  11. I'm going to get Hyperlauncher in my other file first, for testing.
  12. Have fun with the suckage! But, remember you HAVE to use Rena. Actually... you don't have a choice. Opera is the best source of healing in the game. Without her... you're only other option is... HER...

    But I think Dias will be slightly worth it. If you can put aside your feelings for him for but a moment, you'll realize he's seriously packed with power! Remember that vid I showed earlier in SOU? And, ya got Welch, and she's got enough character to forgive even Noel's existence!
  13. That party DOES suck!
  14. Next time, then? Actually, I learned there are more movied on Rena's side, and they occur almost immediately.

    Remember when you DO go for her, this must be your final party...

    Rena(and you must use her to the end!)
    Ashton(bye bye Opera! )
    Welch(I'll allow her, because she's so random! ^^)
    Noel(even Noel!)

    There ya go! The weakest party in the game possible!
  15. No, Claude's. I figured I'll go for invincibility.
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