I'll try right now for a while and if it doesn't work.....-_- do I have to do it godly fast? I tried everything
Rock on, I'll be both here and on MSN if you want someone to talk to, or if you are in need of help.
I just started playing again... my friend needed help with her homework haha! I'm a few steps away from the cave where the fight takes place...
how is the game going? Just made a journal entry on my LiveJournal, by the way, if you have any interest in seeing that. Most of it you already have seen, with the poem in my sig and the top ten, but there is a little more than just that in there.
Oh yes, I'm showing my age by saying that game was popular when I was a kid.
What!? I didn't even know you could ahah!! I went back to train a little and I'm back at the save point now :0
I'm a purist: I play it on my Super Nintendo! So I get a bigger screen anyway, with all the ancient graphics and sounds that come with it. It is glorious. You get past that part yet?
wooooo! ^^ mkay also, do you play FFVI on Gamcube for the bigger screen?? Luckily I got the extra part to play GB games on it
Hmm, I sense a post idea coming up in the near future. Keep a close eye on General Gaming in the next week or so for a post, which will give mention to you as the inspiration for it.
please do!!! I like playing old games. I have been looking for Chrono Cross again, my brother accidently sold it with his old Dreamcast games -_- I still have my file on my memory card.
Well good, you are now going back and playing the superior generation of RPGs. I'm slightly biased toward almost everything on the NES, SNES, and SEGA Genesis. Those are my consoles of mastery. I could give you a great list of RPGs (and other games) that could keep you quite busy. ^^
I'm a pro with VII,IX and X. I have plated VIII but it's been so long to remember everything. I have played VII-XII. and I just got V and VI for GBA. I'm almost done with V, I'm trying to get past that part in VI haha!! kind of playing them at the same time
It will work on the first try, yes. But if you are too slow or mess up it might not go the first time around so don't get discouraged! Sabin's Blitz move is tough to get the hang of, but if you get good at doing them (Aura Bolt, Fire Dance, and Bum Rush would be the three worth doing. All three are difficult to master, but you have Aura Bolt from the start. Practice that and if you can get it 95% of the time, you'll be able to use Sabin as the powerhouse he is). I can help with ANY questions in the game. I know it fairly well, in case you get stuck.
I'm going to go get my game boy and try now... is it possible to get on the first try? or does it take a few to get it.